Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 52
Alexander Edelényi: History of Hungary
'Conspectus historiae Regni Hungarici. K.M. 1828'. Apparently a history of Hungary devised by Professor Alexander Edelényi and transcribed by Charles Mészáros, 1828. At the end it reads 'Opusculum hocce... [list of authorities]... elaboratum per... Alexandrum Edelényi Professorem, descriptum est per me Carolum Mészáros... [4 July 1828]'.
Antonio Maisis: Certificate of creation, notary public
Volume contains certificate, in Latin, bearing large ornate coloured coat of arms. Loose leaves contain translation of text into Italian, and into English.
Arberry: the papers of Arthur John Arberry
The collection principally consists of publications by Arberry, but there are also 2 poems written by Arberry.
Articles on international treaties between Popes and rulers, late 16C
A collection of articles in Italian and Latin on international treaties, 1510-59, including agreements between Pope Leo X and the Swiss, and Henry VIII and Emperor Maximilian, 1516, and Pope Paul III and Emperor Charles V, about heresy and Protestantism in Germany, 1546. Â1 volume, Sommario de capitalationi fatte fra diversi Pontefici, et Principi Christiani, Italian and Latin, in a single hand throughout, late 16C; in modern boards
Cambridge University Archives
Cambridge University: Verses presented to Queen Elizabeth
Canon and civil law notebook
Notes on canon and civil law, mostly abridgements of pre-Reformation texts, especially Justinian's Institutes, with references to English statutes up to 1548. It is written in a single hand throughout, in Latin with some English. There is a fragment of a fifteenth-century medical tract on the guards of the volume. There are also ownership inscriptions in pencil, 'John Fowler his booke 1649' and 'William Fowler his booke'. 175 folios.
Cartulary: Casa delle Donzelle alla Zudecca, Venice
Catalogue of books in the library at Lund Church
Chadwick: The Papers of John Chadwick (1920-1998), classical philologist, lexicographer and scholar of Linear B
College Archive
College chapel : account of the consecration of Peterhouse chapel.
Seven leaves (290 × 180mm) bound in a late 17th-century Cambridge style between many blanks by George Bayntun of Northumberland Place, Bath, in, or shortly after, 1894. It is possible that this was a copy for Walter Curle (or Curll), D.D., Fellow of Peterhouse 1598 to 1616, Bishop of Bath and Wells to November 1632 (when he was translated to Winchester) and a notable benefactor to the building of the chapel.
Commonplace Book
Commonplace Book
Cox Macro Commonplace Books
Commonplace books covering many subjects, including topics in theology, law, governance, the natural sciences, the arts, and human characteristics and relationships.
'De Alcuino Diacono' and 'De Joanne Sarisberiensi'
Diocese of Norwich: Ecclesiastical Formulary
Ely Dean and Chapter records
Ely Diocesan records
Fragment of what appear to be notes, in 17th-cent. hand.
Gray: the papers of Thomas Gray
The collection consists of Thomas Gray's commonplace books and diaries (1755 and 1760) as well as letters from Gray to George Ashby, George Birkett, James Brown and Horace Walpole. There is also other Gray manuscript material including school work and miscellaneous notes. The College has also collected images of Gray and research into him (GBR/1058/GRA/6 and 8).
Hieronymus Henninges: 'Genealogicum Opus Universale'
Jeremiah Horrocks: 'Venus in sole visa'
Jersey Algae
Item consists of 83 samples of Jersey Algae pasted into the volume, annotated with their Latin name. Only attribution comes from initials 'H. E.' on the title page.
John Martyn: Raii methodus plantarum, Vol. II
'Tabulae generum plantarum quae in Raii methodo emendata et aucta'. Pencil drawings of plants, by genera. Each page has a heading for a genus, but many are then left blank. Supposition about provenance in front of book, written by 'W. A', alongside note from C. C. B. (possibly Charles Babington) that the first volume did not accompany this. Author thought to be John Martyn, Professor of Botany at the University of Cambridge from 1732 to 1761.