Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 25
Americas miscellanea
A wide range of material concerning different countries in North and South America, notably Canada, Belize and the West Indian islands. A number of the collections are comprised of single items, such as legal documents and paintings.
Articles from 'The Field'
Ascension, West Africa, New Zealand, etc
Central Office of Information photograph collection
Christy collection of photographs on Africa

Falkland Islands album
An album of blank paper measuring 245 x 300 mm. The first thirty pages contain a miscellaneous collection of inserted photographs, original drawings and watercolours, mostly of maritime and naval interest and of family holidays, ranging in date from 1845 to 1900. There are eight original pictures of the Falkland Islands area, some of which are initialled G.M.H. or R.C.H. The last item is a photograph of troops embarking for the South African War in 1900.

Falkland Islands papers of William Dean
Papers and photographs relating to the history of the Falkland Islands and the Falkland Islands Company; correspondence and genealogical papers concerning the Dean family.
General photographs of Guyana
A collection of loose photographs, most measuring approximately 200 x 155 mm., with comprehensive captions pasted on to the back of the prints. The collection includes views from various parts of the country as well as photographs illustrating education, industry and agriculture.
Ginger Lilies (Hedychium coronarium) 1891
178 x 117 mm. Showing a kneeling Indian boy holding a large bunch of lilies and was used as a Christmas card by Sir Everard Im Thurn. The mimeographed message on the reverse reads 'Ginger lilies' (Hedychium coronarium). Xmas 1891. With best wishes from Everard F. Im Thurn.' Im Thurn's fine collection of ethnographical photography is in the possession of the Royal Anthropological Institute (of which society he was President 1919-20).
H.S.B. 'To the Kaieteur and back,' (printed for private circulation by Hatchards, London 1872)
Institute of Education Collection
Inter-University Council Collection

Inter-University Council Slides

Marnham collection
Modern Commonwealth photograph collection
Newscuttings on New Zealand immigration
Photographs of South Georgia and whaling activities
Photographs of the Falkland Islands
A collection of loose photographs measuring approximately 160 x 115 mm.

Photographs of the West Indies

Progress in the Colonies, 1940s-1950s
Rhodesian records
Royal Tour of the West Indies, 1966
Sir Raynor Arthur Collection

Views in Australia, Egypt, Aden, Asia and other places chiefly circa 1908-1915
Whaling in Falkland Islands Dependencies
Three postcards and two prints, probably collected as part of the Colonial Office Visual Instruction Committee material (see introduction to Fisher Collection). The photographs are captioned on the backs.