Showing Collections: 51 - 75 of 106
Photographs of Cape Province
A collection of high quality photographs, measuring 210 x 160 mm, mounted on black album sheets. They are uncaptioned but most have been identified from books on the Cape and on South African architecture; 25-31 are almost certainly photographs of Zulu peoples; the remainder are less clearly identified. Photographer unknown.
Photographs of South Africa, circa 1900
A collection of loose photographs. The prints measure approximately 120 x 95 mm and are probably by the donor Morton Green. All the photographs have brief pencilled captions and are numbered on the reverse. The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found.
Photographs of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Pacific Islands, the United States and Africa
[Photographs of the peoples of southern Africa]
'Policies towards white labour on the South African railways, 1910 to 1935': BA thesis
A B.A. thesis for the Honours School of Modern History with Economics, University of Manchester, 68 pages. There is a covering letter from Ben Harrison to Terry Barringer, R.C.S. Librarian.
Portrait of Andries van den Heever
136 x 194 mm. A loose print with a contemporary caption on a separate piece of paper reading 'Andries van den Heever. Member of the Pétrusburg Congregation. Aged 66. Height 6ft. 3ins. Round waist 7ft 3ins. Weight 635 Lbs.' The full-length portrait shows van den Heever seated on a chair and holding a carved walking stick. A modern copy of the print (which is in itself a copy of an older photograph) is included with this item.
[President] Kruger photographs
Collection of modern copies (circa 1932) of original prints circa 1896, which are uncaptioned. The whereabouts of the originals of these copies has not been traced.
Pretoria Proclamation, May 29 1900
Proof copy of the Selborne memorandum
Redwood Natal [i.e. Province of KwaZulu-Natal] and Zululand Album 1879-80
Reminiscences of General Botha
Research papers of Valerie Parkhouse on Anglo-Boer War memorials
Rhodesian records
School Empire Tours Record 1927-1939
Selection of photographic subjects of the Union of South Africa
Sir Bartle Frere's return to Cape Town, June 1879
Society women of Johannesburg
A collection of studio portraits of society hostesses and personalities; prints of various sizes and by various photographers. Y3055C/2-4 and 11 are by Duffus Bros.
South Africa 1936 (Lord Hewart Album)
South Africa, Bechuanaland and Basutoland circa 1902
South African Aid to Britain Fund
South African flowers of the Eastern Province
Twenty-three watercolours mounted on card, 12" x 16½". The paintings have pencilled titles and in some cases places and dates. They include agapanthus, antholyza, bellandonna lily, Cape Town bulbs, Cape honeysuckle (tecona-capensis), common olive, cyrtanthus, gladiolus, grenadilla, hybiscus, hyobanche sanguinea, iris, pelargonium, plumbago, sparaxis pendula and thistle.
South African history in pictures
A three-part series of black and white images on card designed to provide teachers with material to illustrate history lessons. The series includes a wide range of pictures, portraits and photographs. Titles and captions have been recorded as found and may contain offensive, inappropriate or outdated terms. The items are undated, but probably originate from between the 1960s and 1980s.