Showing Collections: 51 - 75 of 207
Edward John Dunn Collection
Effects of the cyclone at Townsville
E.J.H. Corner photographs
Embarkation of horses for the Boer War from Australia, 1900
Empire Settlement Tour
Kelsey’s record of the tour includes two volumes of daily diaries, a photograph album, loose photographs, eight boxes of lantern slides, a map, and a file of ephemera.
Enlarged photographs of unknown New Guinea
Five loose black and white prints, presented to Sir Harry Wilson by Lieutenant E W Pearson Chinnery F.R.C.S.
Farming opportunities in Mackay, Queensland
F.G. Banks photographs
The photographs are housed at RCMS 167. Captions are from information supplied by H.B. Thomas and C.R.S. Pitman.
Fiji Photographs (Allardyce Collection)
Two photographs inserted in the scrapbook of Sir William Allardyce (held at RCMS 35), photographers unknown. His scrapbooks total thirteen volumes; but these are the only photographs stuck in them. They are in album 6, page 54 and album 2, page 75.
Fisher photograph collection
Four Photographs of Scenery in New South Wales
A collection of loosely mounted, uncaptioned prints measuring approximately 185 x 115 mm, showing scenes in the Blue Mountains. Two of the prints are stamped in relief on one corner 'C. Bayliss, Photo. Sydney' and it is reasonable to assume, given the similar subject matter and format, that the other two photographs were also taken by him.
Frances McKeith Australian Collection
A collection of lantern slides of Australia (plus one duplicate). 5-10 are marked 'Commonwealth of Australia' and have serial numbers. 12-22 are marked 'Department of Agriculture and Stock, Brisbane'. The slides' captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found.
Genealogies and histories of Fiji tribes
'Genealogies and histories of the Matanitu or tribal governments of Central Vitu Levu (Great Fiji)', 141 pages. The volume contains notes on the genealogies of Fiji's peoples, translated by Brewster from written and oral sources, and a strip of photographs of four generations of the Royal Line of Mbau.
Glimpses of New Zealand
An album containing 39 mounted black and white prints, measuring approximately 195 x 140 mm, and 11 coloured reproductions of scenes in New Zealand. All the photographs are mounted on thin card which has printed on it a caption followed by descriptive notes on the picture. The album contains an advertisement for holidays in New Zealand.
Gold rush watercolours
Government Railways of New South Wales rolling stock 1885
'Henry Selfe Selfe and Canterbury': MA thesis
'Henry Selfe Selfe and the origins and early development of Canterbury', a M.A. thesis for the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 298 pages.
Huiarua Station, East Coast, New Zealand, 23,500 acres
An album containing 95 snapshot photographs with handwritten captions beneath, most measuring approximately 105 x 60 mm, and depicting life on a New Zealand sheep station. The album also contains 2 loose uncaptioned prints. Although an amateur family album, the pictures give an interesting and varied record of the sheep farmer's life and work. Huiarua is situated in the east coast district of the North Island between Opotiki and Gisborne.
Inter-University Council Collection
Inter-University Council Slides
Irvine Kempt Nicol Postcard Collection
John Abercromby Alexander: Papers on trees and woods
Tables, articles and other material regarding trees and woods in Ceylon, Fiji and New Zealand, and in general.
J.S. Smithson collection on Samoa
Kava making
158 x 108 mm. A note on the reverse states that the photograph is to accompany an article entitled 'The Kingship Farce,' by F. Dunbar. Photograph probably by A.T. Tattersall (perhaps A.J. Tattersall?).