Showing Collections: 51 - 73 of 73
Ronald Barback and Nigeria
These archives relate to Barback's work with the National Economic Council Joint Planning Committee and his mediation of a trade dispute between the Nigerian Railway Corporation and the Railway Technical Staff Association.
Sir Ahmadu Bello
This collection comprises a full length portrait of Sir Ahmadu Bello and a family tree with Annabi Muhammadu at the head, and a head and shoulders portrait of a man in the centre (perhaps Sir Ahmadu Bello?).
Sir Cyril Pickard Collection of Nigerian photographs
A collection of albums containing prints. They are presentation albums from Nigerian States, recording events during official visits 1971-74 when he was British High Commissioner in Nigeria, and are presumably the work of official photographers. Albums G, H and J have the Nigerian flag as the cover design, and F, H-J have the State arms on the cover. A few of the prints have been removed from the albums and this has been noted in the catalogue.
Sir Henry Hesketh Bell Collection

Sir Henry Hesketh Bell Collection
Diaries, notebooks, letters, scrapbooks and publications. Titles and captions, including the names of institutions, have been recorded as found and may include language which is offensive, inaccurate or inappropriate. They have been retained to reflect the context of the collection's creation.
Sir Walter Buchanan-Smith collection on Nigeria
A collection of albums and loose prints, intermittently captioned. These albums relate to Buchanan-Smith's service in Nigeria.
Southern Nigeria photographs 1908-1910
A collection of prints, each measuring approximately 110 x 55 mm. A number of photographs in the album relate to the Northern Hinterland Expedition and the compiler of the album was clearly connected with the Southern Nigeria Regiment of the West African Frontier Force.
Souvenir of the inauguration of the railway bridge over the South Channel of the River Niger by H.E. Sir Frederick Lugard ... January 31st 1916. At Jebba, Nigeria, West Africa
'The development of African road transport in Western Nigeria, 1919-1939': MA thesis
An M.A. thesis submitted to the Department of History, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 119 pages.
'The face in the mirror': autobiography of John Morley
The autobiography of John Morley, written during the 1970s, 122 pages.
The Prince of Wales' visit to Nigeria, 15-22 April 1925
A collection of loose prints, most measuring approximately 205 x 155 mm. The photographs have detailed captions and identifications on the reverse and all, except the first print, relate to the Prince of Wales' visit in April 1925. Photographs by H.S. Freeman, Hamid and Sons, and others.
The Weston Collection: Nursing in West Africa
Thirty years ago by Philip Tengely
Unpublished reminiscences of Tengely's service in West Africa, 134 pages, illustrated with original photographs, presumably by the author.
'Thirty years ago': reminiscences by Philip Tengely
Unpublished typescript and manuscript reminiscences of Tengely's service in West Africa, 134 pages, with 12 inserted photographs. The account describes Accra, Elmina, Abbeokuta, Ibadan, Sierra Leone and Benin, with particular reference to African traditions, ceremonies and beliefs. There is an accompanying letter from the author to the Royal African Society, 22 June 1939, and the Society's acknowledgement, 26 June 1939.
Trousdell Southern Nigeria Photographs, 1905-7
W. Powell collection on Africa 1930s
West African photographs. 1950-60s
A collection of prints, by various photographers, of various sizes and the majority with captions on the reverse. The prints break down geographically thus:
1-60 Nigeria
61-79 Sierra Leone
80-83 The Gambia
84-109 Ghana
110-116 Miscellaneous.
West African Railways
West African trading activities
An album containing photographs showing aspects of European trade in the West African coast.
The photographs occupy 28 pages of an album; plates 21-27, 30-31 and 32-34 each occupy one page. There are a number of blank pages at the back. Most of the prints have brief captions, which have been used as titles and have been recorded as found. They are not always reliable: see, e.g., plates 10 and 15.
Whitting Collection on Nigeria
Wilfred Court collection
Wimberley Collection on Nigeria, c.1903-18
Collection of 91 glass negatives, 106 x 80 mm; 3 negatives on film, 90 x 60 mm; and 3 modern prints, 150 x 120 mm. Many of the negatives lack descriptive captions. The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found. Titles composed by the cataloguer are enclosed in square brackets.
W.M. Bristow Nigerian photographs
A collection of small photographs in albums. These albums cover aspects of Bristow's work between the early 1930s and 1960.
Y3043D has virtually no captions - there are some in Y3043E, but many of these relate to groups of photographs and the listing is therefore a summary, not an individual record.