Showing Collections: 101 - 125 of 436
East Africa: Charles Stokes collection
East African Photographs
East African Railways and Harbours 1952 to 1964
13 photographs and 3 letters documenting Satwant Singh Suman's service with the East African Railways.
Edward Enoch Jenkins and Muriel Alice Jenkins (née Ackermann): personal papers and photographs
Edward John Dunn Collection
Egypt, Burma [i.e. Myanmar] and Borneo
An album containing albumen prints (with three others loose). The prints are of various sizes and by various photographers. A number of the images are captioned, although some of these are hard to read. Captions enclosed in square brackets have been composed by the cataloguer.
Egyptian scenes
Loose photographs, measuring approximately 204 x 190 mm, with handwritten captions on their borders (shortened for this catalogue). The prints show scenes, mainly archaeological, in Egypt.
'Eleven exciting years': typescript on the Cameroons
Letters from Elizabeth O'Kelly in the Cameroons (224 pages), itinerary and diary notes (18 pages) and 23 black and white photographs. The document is a photocopy of the original 1965 typescript. Part one covers Buea, 1950-1952; part two covers Nsaw, Barenda Province, 1952-1961. There are accompanying notes, supplied by Miss O'Kelly, describing her career, assignments as a freelance consultant and publications.

Empire Settlement Tour
Kelsey’s record of the tour includes two volumes of daily diaries, a photograph album, loose photographs, eight boxes of lantern slides, a map, and a file of ephemera.
Environs of Cape Town
A collection of nine (of an original eleven) loose prints measuring approximately 150 x 110 mm. with pencilled captions on the reverse. The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found. The majority of the prints show views on the Kloof Road which runs out from West Cape Town and round the Lion's Head. Photographs are possibly by C.F. Wienand.
Ernest Gedge Collection
Ernest Lanning Collection
Archives relating to Lanning's work in Kenya and Sierra Leone, and as a colonial administrator in Uganda.
Essays on Nigerian topics
Europe, South Africa military photographs
Expedition to Kumasi
Duplicated copies of a complete set of military routine orders issued by Willcocks when commanding the Ashanti Field Force, 27 May 1900 - 1 January 1901.
F.G. Banks photographs
The photographs are housed at RCMS 167. Captions are from information supplied by H.B. Thomas and C.R.S. Pitman.
Film footage of the visit of King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret to the Union of South Africa
Two 8 mm cine films (without sound) entitled Royal Tour of South Africa, part 1 no.82005 and Royal Tour of South Africa, part 2 no. 82006. Film type: Cine Kodagraph Eight.
Fire damage in East London
First session of the first Parliament of Southern Rhodesia

Fisher photograph collection
Forestry work in Mauritius
Framed photographs of Nigeria, circa 1920s
A collection of framed prints of various sizes, with captions stuck onto the glass (removed and now on reverse of frame).