Showing Collections: 251 - 275 of 436
Papers on W.A.I.T.R (West African Institute For Trypanosomiasis Research) service
Two accounts of Moffat's term of service in Nigeria, describing his complaints about how he was treated, and a letter to the Foreign Secretary concerning his grievances. Together with a copy of an account relating to the purchase and use of a VW pick-up truck and photographs of Moffat's time in Nigeria.
Papers on West Africa
Papers on women in Uganda
Three papers regarding Ugandan women and correspondence regarding the Bell photographs presented to the R.C.S.
Past Governors of The Gambia at Government House, Bathurst
Penelope 'Pepe' Roberts: papers on Ghana
Field notebooks, notes, draft and published articles, and audio-visual material relating for the most part to Roberts's research on education in Ghana. Together with a series of photographs and slides documenting aspects of life in Sefwi Wiawso and Roberts's time in Ghana and Nigeria.
Peter Canham albums of the Gold Coast [i.e. Ghana]
Photographic Scenery of South Africa, [S.l.]: S. Alexander, 1880
Photographs of Bushmen, Herero and Ovambo
A collection of loose prints, mostly measuring approximately 55 x 85 mm, with handwritten captions on the reverse. The captions have been used as titles and may include language which is offensive, inaccurate or inappropriate. They have been retained to reflect the context of their creation.
The term Bushmen was used to describe a group of Khoisan-speaking hunter-gatherers who lived in the Kalahari Desert.
Photographs of Cape Province
A collection of high quality photographs, measuring 210 x 160 mm, mounted on black album sheets. They are uncaptioned but most have been identified from books on the Cape and on South African architecture; 25-31 are almost certainly photographs of Zulu peoples; the remainder are less clearly identified. Photographer unknown.
Photographs of Egypt and the Sudan, 1870s-80s
Photographs of Entebbe
A collection of loose prints measuring approximately 200 x 145 mm, with handwritten captions on the reverse. Photographs are by Alfred Lobo of Entebbe (only one print is stamped with Lobo's name but it is likely that the rest of the prints are also by him.
Photographs of German South-West Africa [i.e. Namibia]
A collection of two loose prints (with modern enlargements) with pencilled captions on the reverse. The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found. Photographs by Henry Rudland.
Photographs of Ghana and Nigeria
Photographs of India and Southern Rhodesia [i.e. Zimbabwe], 1890s-1930s
Photographs of Kenya
A collection consisting of one cibachrome print, one 130 x 100 mm colour transparency, one 130 x 100 mm colour negative and twelve 130 x 100 mm monochrome copy negatives. The originals of these photographs were part of the collection of Sir Edward William Macleay Grigg (1879-1955), 1st Baron Altrincham and Governor of Kenya 1925-31. They were loaned by John Grigg in August 1985, when these copies were made by John Falconer.
Photographs of Kenya, c 1905-10
A collection of loose snapshots of various sizes with pencilled captions on the reverse. The photographs show scenes in a settler's life in the young colony. Bromhead joined in 1912 and died in Australia in 1944.
Photographs of Mashonaland and Matabeleland
Photographs of Mauritius, 1890s
A collection of loose uncaptioned albumen prints.
Photographs of Mochudi
Photographs of North Africa and Asia
A large album of albumen prints. The prints are of various sizes and by various photographers. The compiler of the album is not known. Captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found. Titles composed by the cataloguer are enclosed in square brackets.
Photographs of Nyasaland [i.e. Malawi], c. 1955
A collection of loose prints, measuring approximately 205 x 150 mm. The views shown, all uncaptioned, have not been identified.
Photographs of South Africa, circa 1900
A collection of loose photographs. The prints measure approximately 120 x 95 mm and are probably by the donor Morton Green. All the photographs have brief pencilled captions and are numbered on the reverse. The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found.
Photographs of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Pacific Islands, the United States and Africa
Photographs of the East African Campaign 1915-16
Collection of twenty-nine 60 x 60 mm modern copy negatives (no prints) selected from an album compiled by J.H. Furniss R.A.F (also the photographer). The material relates to air and naval activity against the German battleship ‘Konigsberg’ in Zanzibar and German East Africa during 1915-16, with other general scenes from the German East Africa Campaign. Copy negatives made by John Falconer, May 1985.