Showing Collections: 6676 - 6700 of 7037
Will (copy), Pampisford, Cambridgeshire
Copy of will of William Kimmons of Pampisford. He bequeathes to Stephen Kimmons his eldest son one shilling; to his son Henry Kimmons his freehold messuage with certain reservations to Stephen Kimmons and his daughter Judith Kimmons, with various pieces of furniture etc. divided between the sons and daughter. Witnessed by John Haylock and Richard Wallis Nash. Includes certificate of agreement with original in Registry of Consistory Court of Ely, signed by Robert Gee, Deputy Registrar.
Will of Abigail Ford (copy), Nowton, Suffolk
Will of Abraham Hutchinson (copy), Seamer, Yorkshire
Will of Abraham Hutchinson, yeoman, of Cocks House in the parish of Seamer in Cleveland, Yorks. He bequeathes all his clothes, household goods, furniture and money to his sister, Hannah Almond, widow, who lives with him, she to be sole executrix. Signed by A. Hutchinson. Witnessed by Edward Hall and Thos. Skeene.
Will of Affabell Faierclough (copy), London
Will of Alice Brain (copy), Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire
Will of Alice Brain, spinster, of Chipping Norton. All bequests are in money, viz. to her brother Mr. Thomas Brain, sole executor; to her sister Mary Brain; to her 'kinswoman' [niece] Jane, daughter of my brother Thomas, at 21; to her mother Jane Brain; to her mother's servant maid Ann Hunt; to the poor of Long Compton; the residue to her mother to disperse of as she thinks fit. Signed by Alice Brain. Witnessed by Nicholas Braine, Elizabeth Whitehull, and J... Lock.
Will of Ambrose Brown, Great Blakenham, Suffolk
Will of Ann Frier (copy), High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Will of Ann Fussell (copy), Winchester, Hampshire
Will of Ann Fussell, widow, of Winchester, Hants. She gives to her 2 sons Peter and James Fussell all her copyhold estate in Farnham, Hants., subject to the payment of £50 to her daughter Ann Coldham Grigg. She appoints her 2 sons as executors. Signed by Ann Fussell. Witnessed by Thos. Newlyn and George Fleetwood. Extracted by J.R. Wheeler, Proctor, Doctors Commons.
Will of Ann Howchin (copy), Eye, Suffolk
Will of Ann Warren, Cambridge
Will of Anne Hamond (copy), Hildersham, Cambridgeshire
Will of Anne Hamond, widow, of Hildersham, Cambs. She gives to Henry Ward, youngest son of her sister Margery Ward of Little Abington, Cambs., all her messuages in Hildersham and Little Abington and all her personal estate. On a codicil, same date and witnesses, she gives £5 apiece to Robert and James Flacke, 2 of the sons of her sister Mary Flacke. Henry Ward to be sole executor. Signed by Anne Hamond. Witnessed by John Mede, Anne Simpson, and Margarett Mosley.
Will of Anne Jeffery (copy), Stepney, Middlesex
Will of Bartholomew Hovell (copy), Ipswich, Suffolk
Will of Bartholemew Hovell, sr., shipwright, of Ipswich. To his wife Mary all his messuage etc. in which he now lives and 2 others in occupation of his daughter Mary Thredkell and John May all in the parish of St. Clement's, Ipswich ... Mary to sell or do what she likes with them and she to be sole executrix. Signed by Bartholemew Hovell. Witnessed by John Burrough, Joseph Abadham, and Abigale Mansur.
Will of Benjamin Barker, Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridgeshire
Will of Charles Burton (copy), Epping, Essex
Will of Charles Burton, labourer, of Epping. To his nephews and nieces, Charles Burton, Mary [Aubreros/Anbreros?], Susan Crane, Daniel Burton, John and William Burton, £10 each. All the rest of his property to be divided equally between them. Charles Burton to be sole executor. Signed by Charles Burton. Witnessed by Thomas William Banfield, scrivener, of Epping, and William Crockford, clerks to Walter Chester Metcalfe, Solicitor, Epping.
Will of Charles Feltham, London
Will of Charles Fenn (copy), Kenton, Suffolk
Will of Charles Fenn (copy), Sproughton, Suffolk
Will of Charles Storie, Blundeston, Suffolk
Will of Charlotte Senior, Bath, Somerset
Will of Christopher [Anstey] (copy), Trumpington etc., Cambridgeshire
Will of Christopher Ansty (copy), Trumpington, Cambridgeshire
Will of Christopher Hardy (copy), East Dereham, Norfolk
Will of Christopher Hatt (copy), Brize Norton, Oxfordshire
Nuncupative will of Christopher Hatt. To his son Christopher part of the house and his son after him. His son John to be executor. To his daughter Mary his biggest kettle, to his Richard 10/-. Witnessed by John Eckley, Thos. Bolt, and John Griffin.