Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 7037
1st Baron Acton: papers
1st Duke of Buckingham: household accounts
Volume with much older documents pasted in. Includes wax seal.
1st Lord Acton: Historical notes and transcripts
1st Lord Acton: Notes and lectures
1 folder contains flashcards, the rest contain pages removed from notebooks. The latter are paginated, and some have headings in Roman numerals, assumedly dividing different lectures. Accompanying titles include 'The Tennis Court Oath', 'Napoleon' and 'Madame Roland'.
1st Lord Acton: Notes for intended chapter I of ''Cambridge Modern History''
Includes bibliographic references
3rd Baron Gorell : Letters to him
7:84 (England) Theatre Company: Records and Papers
A Book of Christian Prayers
Private prayers for several occasions alternated with extracts from the Psalms, and with an extract from the Litany. Inside the front cover is the crest of Samuel Sandars.
A Breviate of the Spanish Government in Flanders from the Beginning to this present
A catalogue of the earlier papers in the 1st vol. of Dr. W. Webb's Cambridge Collection
fo. 1v: [in hand of Charles Sayle] 'By a resolution of the Library Syndicate, 7 June 1893, "Leave was given to Mr J[ohn] W[illis] Clark to borrow one volume at a time of the Webb Collection of University Papers, and the Librarian was requested to see that the separate pieces were stamped and numbered before they were taken out of the Library." Mr A. Rogers states that this was done, 7 Nov. 1919.'
A collection of verses and translations transcribed by Mary Anne Bacon
Authors include Sir Henry Purcell, George Handel, Sir Walter Scott and Lord Byron.
A course of Botanical lectures explaining the principles of vegitation
A Description of Scotland and other papers
'The description of Scotland and the King's entertainment there', 8 folios. It begins: 'First for the country I must confesse...', and ends: '...a tower as Edenborough in Lowsir Scotland'. The papers include: (fo. 2) [Thomas Scott], 'Vox Populi', 1620; (fo. 8v) verses, 'Ther's proclamation sent, Great Brittaine round about'.
A. G. Church: Political papers and correspondence
A Kallender of the Pelles of Recept and Exitus and Bundells of Privie Seales uppon the same from the firste yeare of Edward the firste untill this present
The calendar continues to 43 Eliz. It is arranged in columns showing rolls and bundles existing for each regnal year. After 19 Edw. IV no further issue olls are recorded until 39 Eliz. No privy seal bundle is recorded after 22 Henry VIII. Attached to fo. 13 is a torn sheet with rough notes in 17th cent. hand of 'Pells of Issues wanting' for the reigns of the first two Stuarts.
'A letter to the members of the Senate on the Management of Cambridge Press during the Three Periods 1822 to 1829, 1830 to 1842, 1843 to 1850'
Includes notes and graphs representing numbers of Bibles printed.
A Logbook of H.M.S. 'Elk'
A Morall Apologeticall Discourse of Obedience and Government by T.W. gent.
Written in two hands. Includes a synopsis of logic Discourse (1st hand, English) beg.: 'Time & season sweeten fruits & ripen ...'; ends: '... can testifye it is the candid truth.' Unprinted. Synopsis (2nd hand, Latin) begins at fo. 21. It is imperfect at both ends, and partly misbound.
A. S. F. Gow: Letters from Cambridge
Typed copies of 70 letters from Gow, dated but missing addressees; it would appear these were sent to a large number of people, as a serial of Ludlow's opinions and experiences, appearing to be very much one-sided. Some letters appear multiple times.
A Satyr against Injustice: or, Sc[ro]gs upon Sc[ro]gs
Facsimile tracing.
'A Short Character of Charles the Second'
'A short Character of Charles the Second King of England setting forth his untimely death &c', an anonymous short account of the character of Charles II (1630-1685; King, 1660-85), by someone who knew or served him. It is unbound, and includes reference to the opinion of Dr. Thomas Short, physician, that Charles II was poisoned. 10pp.
A 'short terrier' (draft) of lands to be auctioned, Swaffham Prior, Cambridgeshire
'A Tale of Ludlow Castle'
A.B. Farn: Correspondence
Correspondents include Granville Clutterbuck, Francis Jenkinson, G. Bertram Kershaw and others. Also includes some correspondence of Francis Jenkinson.
A.B. Farn: Letters
Letters written by A.B. Farn, with a few photographs.