Showing Collections: 6876 - 6900 of 6972
William Court Gully: Travel Journal
Travel journal describing a journey through Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, 1866. Places visited include Brussels, Cologne, Heidelberg, Basle, Lucerne, Glacier der Rhone, Visp, Thun, and Berne. There is also a loose sheet of notes of travel, 1864-66.
William Cowper: Notes on Dreams
Notes on dreams experienced and voices heard, 15 Nov. 1797 - 23 Apr. 1799, in the hand of John Johnson of East Dereham, 108 folios. Fos 52-106 and the verso throughout are blank.

William Crackanthorpe: Correspondence and Papers
William Curling: Kent farm accounts
Accounts of a farm in Kent detailing debtors and creditors, 225 pages. At each end of the volume are notes on geometry entitled respectively 'Progression' and 'Dialing', accompanied by a few illustrations. At the start of the volume are several examples of Curling's signature and a sketch of Eddystone Lighthouse.
William Darwin: Library catalogue
A catalogue of the library of William Darwin covering two hundred and eleven pages of the volume, the rest of which is unused. The entries are arranged alphabetically, and most include a letter indicating where the work was located. There is a location key at the end of the volume.
William Fentham: Letters to him
William Fiott: Notions
William Fleetwood Sheppard: mathematical papers
Mathematical tables and notes on equations.
William Frederic Eagles: Mathematical and commercial notebook
Commercial notebook, containing notes and exercises on the rule of three direct, the rule of three inverse, compound proportion, simple interest, commission, insurance, purchasing stocks, discount, compound interest, equation of payments, barter and brokage.
William French: Letters to him
Thirty-five letters, mostly to French, including letters of support for his committee to elect Lord Lyndhurst as High Steward (1840), thanks for copies of his translation of the Psalms and replies to invitations to Installations of Chancellors.
William Frend: Correspondence and Transcripts.
William George Searle: Historical papers
Various notes on Cambridgeshire villages, manuscripts, Crowland Abbey and lives of various saints.
William Gerhardie: Correspondence and literary papers
William Gerhardie: Letters to Margaret Penn, 1941-1977
39 personal letters from Gerhardie to Margaret Penn, 1941-1977, including a few typed copies; newscuttings (2); photographs of Gerhardie at Bixlet Haven (3); letters to Margaret Penn from 'Selma', 7 May 1963, and from Harold [Sergings], 13 December 1966; and a letter from Margaret Penn to Gerhardie, 13 July 1977.
William Gerhardie papers of Michael Holroyd
Manuscripts, correspondence and other items created or accumulated by Holroyd in the course of his relationship with and work on Gerhardie.
William Gibb: Journals of Voyages in the Carnatic and Yangtze River
William Govett Romaine: Letters to him
William Greenwell: Letters to Spencer George Perceval
Letter 35 is not in Greenwell's hand.
William Gunter: Naval Chaplain's Journals 1864-70
William Gunter (1838-1901), Royal Naval chaplain (1864-81), Rector of Abberton (1888-1901). He served on HMS Egmont in South America in 1864 and 1867, to which years two of the journals relate; the third volume relates to service in home port (1870). 3 Volumes; Lett's Diary for 1864, 1867, 1870, intermittent entries. [1] 8 OCT 1864 - 31 DEC 1864. [2] 1 JAN 1867 - 31 DEC 1867 (with letter from KATIE WARD (niece) [3] 1 JAN 1870 - 28 NOV 1870 (brief entries).
William Hay: Religio philosophi
An unsigned manuscript translation into French of the fourth edition (London, 1771) of Hay's Religio philosophi. There are two inserted items in English: a letter from Arnold C. Klebs, 11 July 1929, at the front of the volume, and an obituary notice of Klebs by Erik Walker, 1943, at the back.
William Hayley: letters to William Long
William Haywood: Ten sermons, preceded by a prayer for use in St John's College, Oxford
fo. 2: 'Laus Deo. By me William Haywood. November xxvi 1629.' Many leaves have been removed. Bound with the MS is a printed copy of T. Sternhold and J. Hopkins, Whole Book of Psalmes collected into English Meeter, London, 1629.
William Hazlitt: Letters from him and concerning him
William Henry Hatchard Elliott: Totnes Church Library Catalogue
A catalogue of the books in Totnes church library, Devon, made on slips, 298 folios. Accompanying the catalogue is a draft article describing the library for the Totnes church parish magazine, and a letter from T.H. Elliott to W.H.H. Elliott, 22 October 1903.
William Henry Playfair: Memoranda
The volume contains notes on bridge construction and on watercolour painting (fos 2-12); a journal of an excursion from Edinburgh to Arran and back, 1-9 May 1811, with notes of expenses (fos 13-20 and 44r-43r); undated notes of other travelling expenses (fo. 47r); pencil sketches, one of a crane at Bell Rock Lighthouse (fos 47v and 45); and addresses of London tradesmen (fo. 42v). Fos 42-47 are entered from the back of the book. Fos 20v-42r are blank. Administrative / Biographical History