Showing Collections: 3851 - 3875 of 9117
Juan de Jauregui: Orfeo
A manuscript copy of 'Orfeo', with a dedication to the Count-Duke of Olivares, and four pen-and-ink and red chalk drawings as head and tailpieces.
Juan Perez de la Medinilla: Ejecutoria de Hidalguia
A patent of nobility, written in a court hand, 50 folios. On fo. 4 is the signature of Luis de Mitarre; on fo. 48v that of Ximenez de la Bredo, Atienca, Arjedeño and Sancho de Ortega. The bookplate of Samuel Sandars appears on fo. 1v.
Jute Production in Bengal, circa 1900
Collection consisting of 6 x 6 cm copy negatives from original prints. The original photographs are in four volumes, entitled; Jute (cultivation and preparation), Jute (assorting and baling), Jute (its manufacture), and Jute (baling for export). Original photographs by Johnston and Hoffman, copy negatives made by John Falconer.
J.W. Cruickshank: Catalogue of the principal herds of Booth cattle
'A catalogue of the principal herds of Booth cattle as they are supposed to exist in 1878-1879, with subsequent produces and sales added', 612 pages of pasted in typescript entries and manuscript notes. There is an index at the end of the volume. It is accompanied by a set of pedigree charts for different tribes of cattle.
J.W. Salter: Drawing for Babington's ''The British Rubi''
Drawings by J. W. Salter, intended for C. C. Babington's work 'The British Rubi', but not ready by the time the volume was published (see Publication Notes). Pencil drawings pasted into the volume the majority partially (about half) coloured, often with Latin name, and date and location. Includes some printed version of some of the drawings. Also includes account of payments due from Babington to Salter for the work.
J.W.S. Macfie Ethiopian collection 1935-36
J.W.S. Macfie West African collection
K. Wright of Denny Abbey (?), Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire
Kabaka Daudi Chwa and Regents
Kahn: The Papers of Richard Ferdinand Kahn
The collection contains Kahn's published and unpublished writing, papers relating to his work at King's College and for government departments and other agencies, correspondence and other personal papers. The collection includes papers written by Joan Robinson.
Kaldor: The Papers of Nicholas Kaldor
The collection contains Kaldor's published and unpublished writing, papers relating to his work at the London School of Economics, Cambridge University and for government departments and other agencies, correspondence and other personal papers.

Kandyan Chiefs 1874
Kashmir diaries of Alan Gardner-Waterman
Diaries recording Alan Gardner-Waterman's hunting trips in Kashmir with Mrs Gardner-Waterman. Most of the entries are brief. They are supported by detailed maps and many photographs.
Kathleen Louise Wood-Legh: Correspondence and Papers
Research material, correspondence and examples of Wood-Legh's work.
'Katie Seyfang' (Margery Hunt): 'Whenever there is music'
Typescript of a novelby Margery Hunt, written under the pseudonym 'Katie Seyfang', in two volumes.
Kava making
158 x 108 mm. A note on the reverse states that the photograph is to accompany an article entitled 'The Kingship Farce,' by F. Dunbar. Photograph probably by A.T. Tattersall (perhaps A.J. Tattersall?).
Kelvin : papers and photocopies relating to William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs, OM GCVO PC PRS FRSE (1824-1907) physicist and engineer.
Kennet Papers
Kenneth Bailey: Correspondence and Papers
Kenneth Mobbs: Natural Sciences Lecture Notes
Lecture and practical work notes for Part I of the Natural Sciences Tripos, 1943-45 (physics and chemistry; mathematics and electronics).
Kenneth Robinson collection on Africa
'Kenya days'
A copy of a typescript account of Cashmore's time in service in Kenya with handwritten corrections, c. 150 pages. The memoir covers the years 1953 to 1963, and was written up during 1992-1995. There are two accompanying letters from Cashmore to Peter Fox, Cambridge University Librarian, regarding the presentation of the work to the R.C.S.
Keynes: Papers Relating to Geoffrey Langdon Keynes
Keynes: The Papers of John Maynard Keynes
Keynes: The Papers of Lydia Lopokova Keynes
This collection comprises materials related to the performances of Lydia Lopokova Keynes, pieces of her writing, correspondence, and other items that chronicle her life, including photographs, diaries, scrapbooks and reminiscences by others. Although the collection covers a variety of topics, Lydia's professional interests have led to a concentration of items concerning the subjects of ballet and drama.