Showing Collections: 3701 - 3725 of 9081
John Mitford: Lycophron
Commentary on the Greek poet Lycophron.
John Mitford: Poems
Various poems, probably composed by Mitford.
John Nevill Keynes: Diaries and papers
Papers of John Neville Keynes, including one item by Mary Keynes.
John Neville Keynes: Correspondence
254 items, including a few drafts of Keynes's replies. Most of the letters are from 1891-1906, and there are none for 1913-1915. The great majority are from Cambridge correspondents, and relate to University affairs, but there are also a few family letters.
John Newton: Correspondence with John Thornton
MS.Add.7826/1/A. Letters, 1770-1783, from John Newton to John Thornton and his wife, 77 items. MS.Add.7826/1/B. Letters, 1772, from John Thornton to John Newton, 4 items.
John Norris: Epistles
'Epistles' from John Norris to various friends.
J[ohn] O'D[onovan]: Notes on the scholia to the martyrology of Oengus
Notes cover scholia for Jan. - Aug. only. Part 2, fos. 119-26 contain notes on prologue to the martyrology.
John Orman: Extracts from Anacreon, Horace, Hafiz and Robert Burns, with translations and related notes, some on Persian lyric poetry and on the life of Hafiz
On fly-leaf in pencil: 'E. L. Browne 50 Park Street'.
John Overall: Collection of his works
John Parnther: Notes and transcripts of lectures
Notes by John Parnther of Peterhouse College on a series of lectures given at Cambridge University. Lectures by N. Saunderson and Robert Smith on hydrostatics, sounds, optics, mechanics, astronomy, the tides, technical chronology, dioptrica and catoptrica.
John Patrick and Simon Patrick: List of texts of sermons
Written by Simon Patrick. Sermons numbered and arranged with reference to the boxes in which they were kept. In both cases, some sermons by others are included. At fos 44-55 is a list of the same texts arranged in order of the books of the Bible. The book includes (fos 41, 42, 55v-137) sermons in the hand of Samuel Knight DD (d. 1746). fos 3-21: torn out. fo. 22: rough accounts headed 'Cous. Sandys', 1686-7.
John Patrick: Collections and miscellaneous works
John Patrick: Commonplace book
Commonplace notes under nine headings, preceded by list of contents; Simon Patrick, 'Advice to a Friend', 8 Feb. 1660 fo. 42: extract from John Colet's will in the hand of Samuel Knight, and the conclusion of a draft of Knight's biography of Colet (first published 1724). fo. 3: 'John Patricke' and rough notes. fo. 8: torn out. fo. 11v: blank.
John Patrick: Explicatio Locorum Scripturae
John Patrick: Explicatio locorum scripturae; Samuel Knight, Draft of the Life of Dean Colet
John Patrick: Notes on and extracts from classical and other authors
Blank pages (fos 41v-120) have been filled by sermons in the hand of Samuel Knight DD (? 1678-1746). fos 1 and 138v: 'John Patrick'. inside front cover: '15'.
John Patrick: Papers
Collections of notes and references on theologians and theology.
John Patrick: Selection of 50 Psalms rendered into English verse
These Psalms are those which were not published in Patrick's Century of select Psalms, London, 1679. fo. 77: 'Bcx 1-2-13'.
John Patrick: Sermons and skeletons of sermons
Sermons and skeletons of sermons preached between 1673 and 1693; 'A Discourse at our Catechizing', unpublished and undated. Autograph.
John Patrick: Tabulae Horariae Britannicae
Second part of an unpublished work, consisting largely of tables. Foliation runs on from the missing first part.
John Patrick: Testimonies of the Fathers against Transubstantiation
Collected with a view to the publication of his book Transubstantiation no Doctrine of the primitive Fathers, London, 1687; 'Notes out of J. Crasset's Book called La Veritable Devotion envers la S. Vierge etablie et defendue' (published Paris, 1679); Reflexions on the Devotions of the Roman Church, Part II [three parts announced when Part I was published in 1674, but Parts II and III were never printed.]; 'Dr Jo. Patricks MSS relating to the Church of Rome', c. 1708. Part autograph.
John Playford: Introduction to the Skill of Music
Descriptive list of editions, compiled by T. W. Taphouse.
John Pollock: Papers on the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union
Correspondence, newscuttings and notes regarding the history of the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union, and term cards of the society.
John Prettejohn: Lingusitic Exposition upon 'Sixteen Hebrew Texts'
A linguistic exposition upon 'Sixteen Hebrew Texts', 1759, and 'Illustration of the Decalogue', 1762, with a copy by Prettejohn of Matthias Wasmuth, 'Explicatio duplicis Accentuationis Decalogicae' (apparently an embellished extract from the Vindiciae S. Hebraeae Scripturae, Rostock, 1664).