Showing Collections: 526 - 550 of 552
The Papers of Vice-Admiral Sir Cecil Charles Hughes-Hallett
The papers include correspondence with naval historians and with colleagues on the Naval Review, some personal papers, reminiscences and records and also narratives from Japanese prisoner of war camps.
The Papers of Vice-Admiral Sir John Edelsten
The papers chiefly consist of correspondence, naval messages and photographs from Edelsten's time with the Mediterranean and Pacific Fleets.
The Papers of Vice Admiral Sir (John) Michael Villiers
The Papers of Vice-Admiral Sir Louis Le Bailly
Papers on Naval Engineering and intelligence issues, 1932-92; includes some papers of R.F. Le Bailly and W.F.G Le Bailly, 1885-1914
The Papers of Vice-Admiral Wilfred Tomkinson
Many of the papers relate to the Invergordon Mutiny and Tomkinson's subsequent treatment by the Admiralty. The British attacks on Zeebrugge and Ostend in 1918 also feature in some of the documents. Tomkinson left a large number of photographs which illustrate his naval career and his family life.
The Papers of Viscount Whitelaw of Penrith
Personal political papers, mainly consisting of personal messages received by Whitelaw
The Papers of Wayland Young, 2nd Baron Kennet
Personal, political and literary papers
The Papers of William and Elsie Strang
The Papers of William and Margaret Malkin
Papers comprising correspondence, official documents, memorabilia, press cuttings and photographs
The Papers of William Bull
The Papers of William Courtenay
Colour film reel shot by Courtenay, mainly from his experiences in the Second World War, including footage of Winston Churchill in Canada and giving the "Iron Curtain" speech, 1946, and footage of American forces in the Pacific.
The Papers of William F Clarke
The papers relate to the setting up of Room 40 and the Naval Intelligence's code-breaking activities in the First World War and to Clarke's service in the Government Code and Cypher School from 1922 to 1945.
The Papers of William Lawrence Wilson
Papers comprising a memoir, a history of engineering in the Office of Works and lectures
The Papers of William T. Stead
The bulk of this collection is Stead's letters from his many correspondents including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, William Gladstone, and Christabel Pankhurst. There are also papers relating to his time in prison, and to his many publications. Material related to interviews with Royal and political figures and notes for work are also included.
The Papers of Wing Commander Charles Kimber
Papers comprising a scrapbook and photocopies of a flying log book and a desk diary
The Papers of Wing Commander Sir Archibald James
The small collection of James' papers held at Churchill Archives Centre mainly consists of James' later recollections of his Royal Flying Corps and RAF career and on the personalities he knew.
The Papers of Winston S. Churchill
Political correspondence and speeches.
The personal papers of Admiral Sir Sackville Hamilton Carden.
The collection contains papers and correspondence, mainly relating to the period of the First World War, and especially to Carden's involvement in the naval campaign at the Dardanelles.
The Records of the Labour Spain Committee
Records comprising minutes, correspondence and papers
The Saunders Family Papers
"The Shane Leslie-Godfrey Faussett Archive"
The collection includes: letters collected by Leslie while working on the biography of Beatty, notes by him, and extracts from a diary, and his manuscript and typescript drafts; letters dealing both with the production of "The Epic of Jutland" and its reception; and letters from Beatty to Eugenie Godfrey Faussett.
"The Tragedy of HMS Glorious"
The collection of material held at Churchill Archives Centre relates to the preparation of the documentary and includes research notes and correspondence; transcripts and videotapes of interviews, film footage and of the documentary.
The War of 1739 to 1748
Annotated typescript texts of seven lectures given by Richmond at the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth [Hampshire] on the War of the Austrian Succession, concentrating on the naval aspects of the war between Britain, France and Spain.
The Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States
Publications, correspondence, papers, photographs and film footage of the Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States
Transcripts of Basil Sanderson's Diaries
Typed transcript of diaries and memoir of Sanderson's time in France during the First World War. Includes a note from Sanderson dated February 1969 explaining that some of the original books had been destroyed by a typist.