Showing Collections: 426 - 450 of 552
The Papers of Sir Denys Wilkinson
The papers consist of reports and correspondence on the development of nuclear physics in Britain, including: papers on nuclear physics at Oxford, during the 1950's and 1960's; papers on the National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science, 1957-60's; papers on the Nuclear Physics Board, 1960's; correspondence files, 1950's-1960's; Wilkinson's memoirs on his work at Cambridge and Oxford during the 1950's; some material on the (London) Physics Club.
The Papers of Sir Dingle Foot
The material held at Churchill Archives Centre deals with Sir Dingle's career as a Liberal and then a Labour Member of Parliament, as well as with his distinguished position in the legal profession, particularly with regard to Commonwealth countries and with his literary skills.
The Papers of Sir Donald Hopson
Comprising correspondence and papers about his military and diplomatic careers, press cuttings, photographs and artefacts.
With Annalise Hopson's later correspondence and papers, 1971-99.
The Papers of Sir Donald MacDougall
Papers relating to economic policy, including correspondence, diaries, notes, articles, speeches, a draft autobiography and photographs.
The Papers of Sir Edward Crisp Bullard
The archive covers almost every aspect of Bullard's career, with the exception of his wartime papers, which he destroyed in 1945. The collection comprises: biographical and family materials; extensive collections of working papers relating to Bullard's research and publications; consultancy and committee papers; lecture notes; and a selection of correspondence; and documents relating to Bullard's antiquarian book collecting.
The Papers of Sir Edward Marsh
The Marsh papers consist of photocopies of correspondence and papers relating mainly to Winston Churchill.
The Papers of Sir Eric Eastwood
This collection consists mainly of material relating to the development of radar and Eastwood's other scientific work and interests, covering radar, ornithology and defence issues. There are copies of his published works as well as many working papers. There are also personal papers including photographs and diaries plus audio-visual material used by Eastwood for lectures is also included.
The Papers of Sir (Eric) John Hodsoll
The Papers of Sir Eric Phipps
The papers largely consist of Phipps' correspondence on subjects connected to his diplomatic career as well as associated papers. The majority of the material comes from the 1920s and 1930s. Correspondants include Neville Chamberlain, Ramsey Macdonald, Austen Chamberlain, Anthony Eden, Lord Halifax, Sir Maurice Hankey as well as Buckingham Palace and European embassies.
The Papers of Sir Eugen Millington-Drake
The Papers of Sir Francis Floud
The collection is made up largely of press cuttings, speeches and papers relating to Floud's 33 years at the Board of Agriculture (later the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries) and his time as High Commissioner in Canada (1934-1938).
The Papers of Sir Frank Lascelles
The papers consist of copies of personal papers from various stages in Lascelles's career, and other material relating to Lascelles, including: letters and diary from his posting to Paris [France] during the Franco-Prussian War and at the beginning and end of his position as Ambassador to Germany; the diary of his family's visit to Iran in 1892; press cuttings of obituaries for Lascelles.
The Papers of Sir Frank Roberts
The Papers of Sir Frank Whittle
The collection held at Churchill Archives Centre includes biographical material; research and development; publications; lectures and broadcasts; vists and conferences; societies and organisations; correspondence and non-textual material.
The Papers of Sir Frederick Brundrett
The papers fall into three sections. The first section, mainly lectures, covering the period 1951-63, is concerned with the use of scientists in Government service and particularly in the Defence field. Section 2 (1963-71) contains papers relating to the White Fish Authority and expands Sir Frederick's views on research and development in the marine environment. Section 3 comprises letters and papers of the Air Traffic Control Board (1971-72).
The Papers of Sir Frederick Catherwood
The collection of papers held at Churchill Archives Centre relate to Catherwood's European Parliamentary career and include papers on economic, monetary and political union; the Common Agricultural Policy and Northern Ireland.
The Papers of Sir Frederick Corfield
The Papers of Sir Geoffrey Jackson
The collection contains press cuttings and correspondence relating to Sir Geoffrey's kidnap, and 8-month captivity, by the Tupamaros while he was Ambassador to Uruguay in 1971. This experience is reflected in his subsequent writings, lectures, broadcasts and interests covered in the rest of the collection. There is relatively little material on Sir Geoffrey's earlier diplomatic career.
The Papers of Sir George Binney
Papers comprising correspondence, official reports and press cuttings.
With correspondence and notes of Ralph Barker, author of 'The Blockade Busters', 1974-80.
Mainly in English, with some items in Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and French.
The Papers of Sir George Harvie-Watt
The collection comprises Sir George's reports to Sir Winston Churchill as his Parliamentary Private Secretary. The reports cover the business of the House of Commons and Harvie Watt's observations on the mood of the Members of the House and reactions to WSC's speeches, policies, and the events of the Second World War. They have been annotated in red by Sir Winston Churchill. Also includes a small amount of correspondence.
The Papers of Sir (George) Nevile (Maltby) Bland
The Papers of Sir George Paget Thomson
These files mainly contain routine correspondence and reports regarding the early development of the atomic bomb.
The Papers of Sir Gerald Kaufman
The Papers of Sir Harold Hartley
The Papers of Sir Henry Page Croft
Subjects covered by the papers include the campaign for Protection and the Empire Industries Association, the National Party, India, the Spanish Civil War and the First and Second World Wars.