Scrapbook, 1892 - 1966
Scope and Contents
'Scrapbook' containing photographs, personal letters, newspaper cuttings, and other ephemera belonging to Mary Agnes Hamilton. Created by Robert Adamson from his aunt's extant private papers.
Page 1 - Three photographs of a young MAH, including two studio portraits taken in Glasgow and Kiel, Germany, and one informal portrait of MAH smiling at the camera, c. 1892-1901.
Page 2 - Three photographs of MAH dating from her undergraduate degree at Newnham College, Cambridge, including two formal studio portraits, c. 1901-1904.
Page 3 - Portrait photograph of Charles J. Hamilton; group photograph of Charles J. Hamilton, MAH, and Sarah Adamson relaxing outside a house, c. 1905; and photograph of MAH lighting a cigarette, c. 1907.
Page 4 - Handwritten poem, 'To thee beloved' by MAH, with transcript, 6 Sept 1907.
Page 5 - Studio portrait photograph of MAH by Raphael, c. 1920s. MAH is seated in a Jacobean-style high-backed mahogany chair, face turned towards the camera; wearing a black dress with fur-trimmed collar and sleeves, a long beaded necklace, and three gemstone rings; and is holding a cigarette in a black cigarette holder.
Page 6 - Photograph of MAH in her flat at 12 York Buildings, Adelphi, London WC2, c. 1920s. MAH is sitting on a sofa with cushions and embroidered throw; wearing a white blouse with black necktie and a tartan skirt, and earrings; and holding a book entitled 'WAR'. The room contains book-lined shelves, two pictures, a standard lamp, and a Windsor chair.
Page 7 - Photograph and newspaper cutting of MAH election campaigning in Blackburn, c. 1929. (left): MAH is photographed with two women and their two young children, one in a pram, while wearing a cloche hat, fur stole, and suit jacket, and carrying a small leather handbag. (right): MAH with Ramsay MacDonald. MAH wears a cloche hat, long-waisted dress and long beaded necklace; MacDonald wears a hat and grey suit with rosette.
Page 8 - Timeline of key dates in MAH's career as an MP, 1929-31; newspaper cutting with comment on MAH's first speech from the despatch box, Evening Standard, 10 Sept 1931, with cartoon of MAH; cutting from 40th anniversary pamphlet on 'The Week in Westminster'.
Page 9 - Cutting of article 'Mr. J. F. Horrabin MP Tries to Keep Sane in Parliament by Sketching His Fellow Victims', The Star, 3 Dec 1929.
Page 10 - Cutting of article 'Bo-Peeps at Politicians: A Woman with a Razor-Edged Mind' by Ellen Wilkinson MP, Evening Standard, 1 May 1930, with cartoon of MAH.
Page 11 - Cutting of article 'Mrs Hamilton Sees Dominion Rank for India', New York Herald Tribune, 3 January 1930, with press photograph of MAH with speakers and officers at a Women's City Club luncheon, New York Biltmore Hotel.
Page 12 - Timeline of key dates in MAH’s broadcasting career at the BBC, c.1929-60; cutting of article on the Women’s BBC Conference at Broadcasting House, with photographs of Stephen Tallents delivering his opening remarks, standing next to MAH and Caroline, Viscountess Bridgeman.
Page 13 - Portrait photograph of MAH in side profile, wearing round spectacles, abstract wooden earrings, and black suit jacket, c. 1930s. The surface of the photograph is marked with blue ink.
Page 14 - Photograph of MAH on holiday in Greece (with Ray Strachey, not pictured), c. 1933. MAH is standing over a stream wearing a white robe and is smoking a cigarette.
Page 14 - Photograph of the Adamson family 'at Welwyn, August 1930': MAH with Una, Stephen, Margot, Sarah, and Margaret Adamson.
Page 15 - MAH's Title of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts certificate from Newnham College, dated 10 May 1944.
Page 16 - MAH's Title of the Degree of Master of Arts certificate from Newnham College, dated 10 May 1944.
Page 17 - Timeline of MAH's career as a civil servant, c. 1940-1952; photograph of MAH at her desk in the Foreign Office, Carlton House Terrace, c. 1948. MAH is seated at a desk with two telephones, writing in a notebook. The desk is covered in papers.
Pages 18-19 - Cutting of article 'Mrs. Hamilton Asks Common Share in Tasks', New York Herald Tribune, c. 1942-43.
Page 20 - (left): Cutting of a Daily Express cartoon on British women's opinion of American women, by Osbert Lancaster, found in MAH's papers; (right): handwritten quote taken from a letter written by Ernest Bevin to Foreign Office staff, by MAH, c. April 1946.
Page 21 - (top): Undated photograph of MAH seated behind a desk, wearing spectacles, black jacket and white blouse, and holding a cigarette, from 'The Week in Westminster' 40th anniversary pamphlet; (bottom): photograph of Dorothy Shuckburgh, 'Molly's closest friend'.
Page 22 - Three photographs of MAH and Margery Corbett Ashby, in the latter's garden, c. 1940s-50s.
Pages 23-24 - Cutting of article 'The Patient Suffragette' by Sylvia Hayman, on Margery Corbett Ashby.
Page 25 - Photograph of MAH taken in Cape Town, 1952. MAH is sitting on a brick wall next to a house, wearing spectacles, tweed jacket, pleated skirt, pearl necklace, and a brooch.
Page 26-28 - Cuttings found in MAH's papers on the death of C. C. Burlingham, 'one of her close American colleagues'.
Pages 29-31 - Cuttings from the Times with photograph of Clement Attlee, 'Lord Attlee 80 Years Old Today', and article on Attlee's career entitled 'A Man of Style', 1963.
Pages 32-33 - 'Mary Agnes Hamilton and Otto Klemperer': collection of cuttings and photographs of the conductor.
Page 34 - Three pages of loose notes on Otto Klemperer, handwritten on the reverse of a bill from Timmis & Richards, Chemist; notes for a book review; and a letter from 'Jan' to MAH.
Page 35 - Transcription of MAH's notes on Otto Klemperer by Robert Adamson.
Pages 36-37 - Cuttings with photographs of Otto Klemperer conducting.
Page 38 - Cutting with photograph of Otto Klemperer meeting his own portrait bust, made by Jacob Epstein.
Page 39 - Cutting of article 'The Conductor Who Fought Fate', with photograph of Otto Klemperer.
Page 40 - Cutting of anonymous article 'Twin Loyalties at the Interpreter's Shoulder', on the relationship between performers and composers in classical music.
Page 41 - Cutting of article 'Klemperer, Beethoven, and the Beatles', Daily Express.
Page 42 - Cutting of article by Neville Cardus, 'Klemperer's expression a way of life'.
Page 43 - Cutting with photograph of Otto Klemperer after a rehearsal of Fidelio, Covent Garden, from the Times.
Page 44 - Bound copy of Otto Klemperer, 'Erinnerungen an Gustav Mahler', with interleaved press cuttings.
Page 45 - Certified copy of Mary Agnes Hamilton's death certificate.
Page 46- Cuttings of MAH's obituaries from the Times, the New York Times, the New York Herald Tribune, and the Evening Standard.
Page 47 - Cuttings of MAH's obituaries from the Manchester Guardian, Daily Telegraph, and an unidentified Blackburn newspaper.
Page 48 - Letter of condolence from Paul Gore-Booth, and cuttings of letters from MAH's former colleagues (Clement Attlee and Paul Gore-Booth) in the Times following her death.
Page 49 - Letter of condolence from the British Federation of Business and Professional Women.
Page 50 - Letter of condolence from Morris A. Barr, Director-General of the English Speaking Union.
Page 51 - Letter of condolence from the Commonwealth-American Current Affairs Unit of the English Speaking Union.
Page 52 - Letter of condolence from Hamish Hamilton.
Page 53 - Letter of condolence from International P.E.N.
Page 54 - Cutting from the Times (1981) with historic photograph of women MPs on the terrace of the House of Commons to mark Nancy Astor's retirement, 1 December 1944.
Page 55 - Copy of press photograph of newly-elected or re-elected Labour MPs Cynthia Mosely, Marion Phillips, Susan Lawrence, Edith Picton-Turbervill, Margaret Bondfield, Ethel Bentham, Ellen Wilkinson, Mary Agnes Hamilton, and Jennie Lee, 1929.
- Creation: 1892 - 1966
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The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.
1 volume(s)
Language of Materials
Finding aid date
2018-09-26 13:58:46+00:00
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