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Visits abroad, 1974-06 - 1976-11

Reference Code: GBR/0014/AMEJ 1/10/43

Scope and Contents

Correspondence and papers on visits to places and events including: China; the CEDI congress (European Centre of Documentation and Information); a forum on world aviation; Southern Rhodesia [later Zimbabwe] and South Africa; Jordan; Romania; Poland, for the Anglo-Polish Round Table Conference; Oman; Israel; Iran.

Correspondents include: Eldon Griffiths; [Dudley] Geoffrey Stewart-Smith, Director of the Foreign Affairs Research Institute; [David] Evan Luard, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office, on oil prospects in Jordan; 6th Lord Carrington (2); Sir [Arthur] Michael Palliser [Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office] on JA's visit to Romania and recent visits to Britain by Romanian ministers (2); Patricia, Lady Jellicoe (sending postcards via JA); William Deedes, Editor of the Daily Telegraph; Mark Bonham-Carter on the Anglo-Polish Round Table Conference (3); Stephen Hastings on going on safari to Botswana with JA (2).

Also includes: an extract from JA's diary on his visits to China and Romania, May-June 1976 and article by JA on Romania; notes of JA's talks on Rhodesia with local officials and politicians, September 1975, including members of the ANC [African National Congress] and with Ian Smith [Prime Minister of Rhodesia]; letter from JA to [Leonard] James Callaghan [Foreign Secretary], giving his impressions of the political situation in Oman.


  • Creation: 1974-06 - 1976-11


Conditions Governing Access

From the Fonds:

The majority of the papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, though the constituency papers and some of the correspondence and political papers remain closed.


4 file(s)

Language of Materials


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