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Lists of guests at Chequers (1), 1957-02 - 1959

Reference Code: GBR/0014/KHLL 5/7

Scope and Contents

Engagement diary entries and guest lists for weekends at Chequers when [Maurice] Harold Macmillan [later 1st Lord Stockton], Prime Minister, was in residence.

Also includes menus, correspondence on arrangements and lists for weekends hosted by [John] Selwyn Lloyd, Foreign Secretary, Alan Lennox-Boyd [later 1st Lord Boyd of Merton], Secretary of State for the Colonies and [George] Peter Thorneycroft, Chancellor of the Exchequer.


  • Creation: 1957-02 - 1959


Conditions Governing Access

From the Fonds:

The papers are open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.


2 file(s)

Repository Details

Part of the Churchill Archives Centre Repository

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+44 (0)1223 336087