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(Untitled), 27 Mar 1945

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 20/213A/53-55

Scope and Contents

Telegram from WSC to President Roosevelt marked "Personal and Top Secret" expressing his concern at a "deterioration" in the Soviet attitude since [the] Yalta [Conference]: arguing that Vyacheslav Molotov [Soviet Union Foreign Minister] is stalling over Poland while the Lublin Committee consolidates its position; that if they fail to get a satisfactory solution to the Polish problems, then they risk losing all influence in Eastern Europe; that it is time to send a message from the two of them to Marshal Stalin on Poland; listing other examples of Soviet behaviour he believes contrary to the "spirit of Yalta"; and commenting on the detrimental effect of these conflicts and Molotov's absence from the San Francisco [United States] Conference on the prospects for a future world organisation.


  • Creation: 27 Mar 1945

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Copyright: Crown


3 folio(s)

Language of Materials


External Documents

Former / Other Reference

T 347/5


Published: Winston S Churchill VII, pp 1268-9 (part)


Repository Details

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