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Official: Committee of Imperial Defence., Jan 1938 - Dec 1938

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 25/15

Scope and Contents

Air Defence Research Sub-Committee Papers (A.D.R. 91-128, 106, 111, 127 missing) and other prints Interim report of the Fuze sub-committee (A.D.R. 91) Conclusions of the 15th meeting of the Committee Report on visit to Research Department at Woolwich by Lord Weir, Lt-Gen Sir Hugh Elles and Vice Admiral Sir Reginald Henderson to see work on rockets (A.D.R. 92) War Office note on rocket development (A.D.R. 93) Air Ministry note on principal researches; location of aircraft by RDF (radar), silhouette detection of aircraft; interception experiments and balloon barrages (A.D.R. 94) War Office note on searchligh texperiments (A.D.R. 95) Minute of conclusions of the Committee on land service fire control methods (A.D.R. 96) Statement by the Chief Superintendent, Research Department, Woolwich, on the action resulting from visit by Lord Weir on rocket development (A.D.R. 97) Report by the Minister for Co-Ordination of Defence (Sir Thomas Inskip, later Lord Caldecote) on the development of the Chemical Industry in Germany (A.D.R. 98, CID Paper 1383-B) War Office Report on the "R" System dealing with the practical work in comnnection with rockets (A.D.R. 99) Conclusions of the 16th meeting of the Committee Statement of progress of the Rocket Investigation by Dr Alwyn Crow (A.D.R. 100) Air Ministry note on principal researches; location of aircraft by RDF (radar), silhouette detection of aircraft; interception experiments and balloon barrages (A.D.R. 101) War Office note on trials to determine the effective range of searchlights (A.D.R. 102) Note by the War Office on the formation of an inter-service fire control establishment at the Admiralty Research Laboratory, Teddington (A.D.R. 103) Note by the Director of Scientific Research, Air Ministry, David Pye on proposal to render water surfaces invisible from the air (A.D.R. 104) War Office note on the introduction of the U.P [unrotated projectile] Weapon into Service (A.D.R. 105) Note by Sir Henry Tizard on the introduction of the U.P. Weapon (A.D.R. 107) War Office note on the development of the U.P. weapon (A.D.R. 108) Note by the Air Member for Development and Production, Air Vice Marshal Wilfrid Freeman on very low balloon barrages (A.D.R. 109) Conclusions of the 17th meeting of the Committee Reports by Dr Alwyn Crow, on progress of U.P. investigation (A.D.R. 111 & 112) Report of Interdepartmental Committee chaired by Sir Frank Smith on the supply of valves and radio equipment for R.D.F. and Interception purposes (A.D.R. 113) Report by Dr Alwyn Crow, on progress of U.P. investigation (A.D.R. 114) Note on the reponsibility for acting on the recommendations of the Fuze Committee (A.D.R. 115) War Office note on the supply of projectors and projectile components for the 3 inch U.P. (A.D.R. 116) Report by Dr Alwyn Crow on the use of U.Ps for defence against low flying attack (A.D.R. 117) War Office summary of U.P. investgation (A.D.R. 118) War Office note on U.P. development (A.D.R. 119) Conclusions of the 18th meeting of the Committee Supply Board note on supplies of cordite for U.P. purposes (A.D.R. 120) Note by Sir Frank Smith on short wave valve research (A.D.R. 121) War Office memorandum on the introduction of the U.P. Weapon into service use (A.D.R. 122) Note by Alwyn Crow, Director of Ballistics Research, Woolwich, on the use of U.P. for aircraft armament and anti-aircraft barrage (A.D.R. 123) Note by Alwyn Crow, Director of Ballistics Research, Woolwich, on the use of a 2 inch U.P. against low-flying attack (A.D.R. 124) Report by the Director-General of Munitions Production on U.P. production (A.D.R. 125) Memorandum by the Deputy Master-General of the Ordnance on the establishment of an independent U.P. establishment (A.D.R. 126) War Office report on trials to determine the effective range of searchlights (A.D.R. 128) Conclusions of the 19th meeting of the Committee.


  • Creation: Jan 1938 - Dec 1938

Conditions Governing Access



2 file(s) (2 bound files, 226 folios)

Language of Materials


External Documents

Former / Other Reference

A.D.R. 91-128

Repository Details

Part of the Churchill Archives Centre Repository

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