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Official: Munitions., Sep 1917 - Oct 1917

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 15/156

Scope and Contents

WSC's Registered Correspondence as Minister of Munitions, Nos 201-400.Correspondents include: Sir James Stevenson; Lord Swaythling on scrap iron in the Netherlands; Albert Thomas, French Minister of Munitions (2); General Sir Francis Bingham; Charles Hobhouse on shortage of field guns; Lord Northcliffe (5); Lord Derby, War Office (5); Sir Joseph Maclay, Ministry of Shipping (4); Sir Auckland Geddes, Minister of National Service; Dundee Chamber of Commerce and others on the telephone service in Dundee (8); Sir George Ritchie, on Dundee constituency matters; David Davies of the Allied Brewery Traders Association, on beer supply; Louis Loucheur, French Minister of Munitions (3); Sir Alexander Roger (2), James Crichton-Browne; David Lloyd George, Prime Minister, on the case of H F Easton, killed while engaged on munitions work; Cardinal Francis Bourne, Archbishop of Westminster; Sir Leo Chiozza Money MP; Walter Long, Colonial Office (2); William Bridgeman MP, Ministry of Labour; Sir Maurice Hankey, Cabinet Office, on improvements in arrangements for summoning Ministers to meetings; J L Garvin, The Observer; Arthur Sherwell MP; Sir John Bradbury, Treasury; Christopher Addison, Ministry of Reconstruction (2); Lord Curzon; Lord Farrer, asking if he would be willing to serve on Financial Advisory Committee; Sir Charles Eliot, asking for employment; F Leverton Harris, Foreign Office; Sir Henry Dalziel MP; The Duke of Atholl, on the establishment of a Scottish National War Museum; Lord Furness; Lena Ashwell on fundraising for "Concerts at the Front".


  • Creation: Sep 1917 - Oct 1917

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4 file(s) (4 bound files (400 items))

Language of Materials


External Documents

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