Public and Political: General: General Election: Condolences., Jul 1945 - Aug 1945
Scope and Contents
Letters expressing sympathy at the result of the 1945 General Election from individuals including: Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander; Leo Amery; General Sir Harold Arnold; Julian Amery; Sir Reginald Barnes; Vere [9th Lord] Bessborough [earlier Lord Duncannon]; [1st Lord] Birdwood; Sir Arthur Boscawen; Alfred Bossom; Sir Albert Braithwaite; Sir Basil Brooke [later 1st Lord Brookeborough]; Robert Cary; George S Churchill; Patrick Donner; [1st] Lord Ebbisham [earlier George Blades] for the Primrose League; Paul Emrys-Evans; Sir [William] Lindsay Everard; James Forrestal; Charles Gairdner; Sir Arnold Gridley; Henry Guest; Brigadier General Reginald Hoare; Leslie Hore-Belisha; Geoffrey Hutchinson [later Lord Ilford]; Field Marshal [Archibald] Wavell; [1st] Lord Keyes; Major-General Robert Laycock; "Edie" [Edith, Lady] Londonderry; [1st Lord] Long; Pamela, Lady Lytton [earlier Pamela Plowden]; William Mabane; "Bert" [10th] Duke of Marlborough; Robert Menzies; [1st] Lord Mottistone [earlier John Seely]; [13th Lord] Napier; Basil Nield; Archibald Nye; Sir Hugh O' Neill; Paul Reynaud; James de Rothschild; [4th Lord] Salisbury; Eric Seal; "Top" [3rd Lord Selborne, earlier Lord Wolmer]; Clare Sheridan; Brigadier John Smyth; [1st Lord] Lambert; Henry Stimson; Clement Attlee, Harry Truman and Stalin from the Potsdam [Berlin, Germany] conference; Harold Stark; Sir Malcolm Stewart; Major General Sir Frederick Sykes; [4th Lord] Templemore [earlier Arthur Chichester]; George Terrell; [1st Lord] Teviot [earlier Charles Kerr]; 1st Lord Woolton [earlier Frederick Marquis]; Charles Weizmann; Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart; and General Sir Reginald Wingate.Also includes copies of responses from WSC to the individuals mentioned above and a note from Martin Gilbert (dated to 1962).
- Creation: Jul 1945 - Aug 1945
Conditions Governing Access
1 file(s) (1 bound file (164 folios))
Language of Materials
External Documents
Repository Details
Part of the Churchill Archives Centre Repository
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