Public and Political: General: Personal Office Correspondence A-B., 01 Jan 1945 - 31 Jul 1945
Scope and Contents
Correspondence dealt with by WSC's Private Office at 10 Downing Street, (Kathleen Hill) as opposed to the Private Office File also contains copies of notes and letters by Private Office staff including John Colville.Correspondents include: Sir John Anderson (later Lord Waverley), on recommendation for honours; Alice, Lady Avebury on Victory in Europe; Jacques and Consuelo Balsan on victory in Europe; Sir Ernest Barker (3), asking WSC to write foreword to book "The Character of England", also on memory of Lord Randolph Churchill at Oxford; Sir Reginald Barnes on Victory in Europe; Esther Alexander (later Lady Alexander of Hillsborough), on support for appeal for King George's Fund for Sailors; A V Alexander (later Lord Alexander of Hillsborough), First Lord of the Admiralty, sending photographs of WSC's visit to the Orkneys; Leo Amery on Victory in Europe; Clement Attlee, on the date of the King's speech following the formation of the new Labour Government; Lord Birdwood, on Victory in Europe; Clementine, Lady Beit, on election broadcast; Lady Violet Bonham Carter (later Lady Asquith of Yarnbury) (3), on the death of President Roosevelt, and Victory in Europe; Sir Alan Brooke (later Lord Alanbrooke) (2) on election defeat; Margaret, Lady Birkenhead, on Victory in Europe; Brendan Bracken, on gift of red fountain pen.
- Creation: 01 Jan 1945 - 31 Jul 1945
Conditions Governing Access
1 file(s) (1 bound file, 77 items)
Language of Materials
External Documents
Repository Details
Part of the Churchill Archives Centre Repository
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Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB3 0DS United Kingdom
+44 (0)1223 336087