Boat Club oversize box 1
Contains 47 Results:
The Head of the Cam, 1983
Action photograph.
The Head of the Cam, 1983
Action photograph.
The Head of the Cam, 1983
Action photograph.
Fairbairns, 1981
Action photograph.
The Head of the Cam, 1983
Action photograph.
King’s College 1st May Boat, 1984
Formal photograph.
King’s College 2nd Lent boat, 1899
Formal photograph. Names below photograph.
King’s College Boat Club, 1910
Formal photograph. Names below photograph.
King’s College Boat Club, 1910
Formal photograph. Names below photograph. No date given and only the lower half of the College crest remains. Likely to be 1910.
King’s College 1st Lent boat, 1913
Formal photograph. Names below photograph.
King’s College 2nd boat, 1921
Formal photograph. Names below photograph.
King’s College 2nd Lent boat, 1922
Formal photograph. Names below photograph.
King’s College 2nd Lent boat, 1922
Formal photograph. Names below photograph, on one copy.
May’s Events, 1996
Names below photograph.
Kings VIII
Action photograph.
Women's VIII
Action photograph.
Q[ueen]M[ary of]A[njou]B[oat]C[lub] Lent Boat 1980
Action photograph. Names on reverse.
Women’s VIII
Action photograph.
Lent 1979(?) 80/81?, 1979 - 1981
Action photograph.
King’s College Boat Club, Women’s 1st Novice VIII, Fairbairn Cup Races
Formal photograph.
Crew photographs, 1887 - 2017
Formal portrait photographs of crews on land, and snapshot photographs of crews rowing.
King's College Boat Club, 1935
Formal photograph of the 1935 club members, including those shown in KCAS/5/4/2/4/1. The names of the club members are given on the cardboard mount. Previous boat club members confirm that Alan Turing is wearing 1st May colours