Showing Collections: 51 - 75 of 89
Mann: The Papers of Arthur Henry Mann
The papers mainly consist of Mann's lectures and research notes. There is a small amount of correspondence, some photographs and some posthumous biographical information.
Menke: The Medical Writings of William Theodore Menke
This collection comprises off-prints and drafts of articles by W.T. Menke on modern and Medieval medicine.
Meredith: Papers Relating to Hugh Owen Meredith
The collection contains letters to and from Hugh Owen Meredith, and memoirs of others written by him.
Milner-White: The Papers of Eric Milner-White
The collection includes published works of Eric Milner-White as well as a large number of manuscript prayers, sermons and other talks given by him as Dean of King's College, Cambridge and later as Dean of York. It also includes his notes on [an undergraduate society styled the] Trappists and church glass, and a number of publications that he collected on religious themes.
Moorsom: The Papers of Raisley Stuart Moorsom
The collection contains mainly journals and correspondence; it includes the papers of RSM's uncle, Edward A. Browne.
Munby: The Papers of Alan Noel Latimer Munby
The papers comprise correspondence, drafts of Munby's publications and lectures, and subject files relating to his bibliographic work. The letters from Betjeman and Blunden include manuscripts of their poetry.
Nixon: The Papers of John Edwin Nixon
The papers contain mainly correspondence relating to Nixon's publications and appointments, College and University business (including the vote for women's degrees) and other personal, academic and chapel-related issues including letters from Augustus Austen Leigh, Oscar Browning and George Prothero.
This section contains very small collections related to famous people who are not members of King's College.
Ord: The Papers of Bernhard ('Boris') Ord
Consists mainly of letters written to him, as well as some musical scores.
Partridge: The Papers of Frances Catherine Partridge
Pigou: Papers Relating to Arthur Cecil Pigou
This collection contains letters written by ACP, memoirs and publications about ACP.
Pole: Papers Relating to Reginald William Pole
The papers contain published and unpublished writings by Reginald Pole, printed material relating to productions, and photographs.
Popham: The Papers of Hugh and Brynhild (Olivier) Popham
This collection comprises letters received by Hugh and Brynhild Olivier Popham from notable members of the Bloomsbury and Neo-Pagan groups.
Prothero: The Papers of Sir George Walter Prothero
The papers contain diaries of Prothero's private and public life within the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh and in London from the start of his Fellowship at King's College until his death, 1872-1922; travel diaries for the United States, 1909-10, Germany, Russia and Austria, 1914 and France, 1916; address and visitors' books, 1890-1915; author index to the Quarterly Review, 1895-1921.
Radcliffe: The Papers of Philip FitzHugh Radcliffe
The papers include material relating to the university's productions of Greek plays, a copy of Radcliffe's Fellowship Dissertation, three printed books owned by Radcliffe, and related material received subsequent to his death.
Ramsey: The Papers of Frank Plumpton Ramsey
The collection comprises originals and photocopies of personal and family papers, including correspondence with Lettice Ramsey (nee Baker) and her memoir of him, letters from Frank to his parents, his diaries, a paper he read to the Apostles, his parents' scrapbook about him, a [draft] letter from Frank to Ludwig Wittgenstein, a draft article, photographs mostly of Frank, and obituaries.
Raven: Papers Relating to John Earle Raven
The papers concern a visit by Raven to the Hebrides in 1948.
Richmond: The Papers of Herbert William Richmond
These papers relate mostly to HWR's bird watching activities and holidays, and include several photographs.
Richmond: The Papers of Oliffe Legh Richmond
The papers comprise correspondence, a few items relating to a performance of 'The Birds', lecture notes, and files relating to a student mission in South London and to 'Lettercraft'.
Robinson: The Papers of Professor Joan Violet Robinson
Rylands: The Papers of George Humphrey Wolferstan Rylands
The collection contains G. H. W. Rylands' published and unpublished writings, the scripts of broadcasts, correspondence, and programmes and other papers relating to theatrical productions.
Salt: The Papers of George Salt
This collection comprises journals and other writings by George Salt, as well as examples of his calligraphic work and correspondence.
Saltmarsh: The Papers of John Saltmarsh
Sheppard: The Papers of John Tresidder Sheppard
The collection contains mainly correspondence, with a handful of his writings, programmes for productions of Greek drama and photographs.
See also KCA
Simeon: Papers Relating to Charles Simeon
This collection contains letters written to, by and about CS, and genealogical information collected by other members of his family.