Box 035
Contains 13 Results:
Education : Miscellaneous , 1861
Correspondence, Notes and Speeches on Education.
Other Writings
Other Poems, Manuscripts and Sermons written by J. L. Brereton.
Joseph Lloyd Brereton papers, 1845 - 1901
Year Books, Calendars, Publications/Writings, Lectures/Sermons, Correspondence, Biographies/Obituaries, Architectural Plans, Financial Documents, Manuscripts, Reports and Poems relating to Joseph Lloyd Brereton.
Correspondence transcribed by P. H. L. Brereton, 1800 - 1901
Correspondence, Reports, Accounts and Notes relating to J. L. Brereton transcribed by his seventh son Canon P. H. L. Brereton.
Norwich House, Cambridge, 1877 - 1887
Correspondence, Prospectus, Financial Documents, Tenancy Agreements and Proposals relating to Norwich House in Cambridge.
Lawsuit between Joseph Lloyd Brereton and the Graduated County Schools Association, 1888
Writs, Statements, Briefs, Accounts and Affidavits relating to the lawsuit between J. L. Brereton and the Graduated County Schools Association.
Publications, 1860 - 1895
Correspondence, Lists, Sermons, Year Books, Kalendars, Poems, Lectures and other publications relating to Joseph Lloyd Brereton.
Personalia, 1874 - 1901
Correspondence, Testimonials, Lists, Obituaries, Biographies, Architectural Plans, Financial Documents and other Personalia relating to Joseph Lloyd Brereton.
Private Pupils, 1845
Architectural Plans and Correspondence relating to Private Pupils of Joseph Lloyd Brereton.
Housing Improvement, Paddington, 1849
Notes relating to housing improvement in Paddington.
Rural Problems, 1880 - 1898
Notes, Correspondence, Speeches, Papers and Writings relating to Rural Problems.