Box 033
Contains 150 Results:
Circular Letter to the Shareholders from J. L. Brereton, dated 25th of October, 1882
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Circular Letter to Shareholders from Richard Booth, dated 9th of November, 1882
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Circular Letter to Parents from Richard Booth, dated 9th of November, 1882
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Prospectus. Cavendish College, Cambridge, 1883
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Memorandum as to Scholarships, Endowment and Capital, 1883
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Report of the Directors, for year ending 31st of December, 1884
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Balance Sheet for year ending 31st of December, 1884
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Report of the Directors and Balance Sheet for the year ending 31st of December, 1885
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Warden's Report by John Cox. Cavendish College, Cambridge. Dated 29th of January, 1886
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Manuscript Warden John Cox's Notes for Trustees' and Director's Meeting at Devonshire House, with a Comparison of the Position of the Association at the end of 1881 and 1885. Dated 12th of October , 1886
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Director's Special Report by J.L. Brereton and John Cox, dated 25th of April, 1887
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Report of the Directors and Balance Sheet for the year 1887, dated 10th of February, 1888
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Article on Cavendish College, Cambridge by graduate Will. M. Saunders in Cassell's Family Magazine, 1885
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Missing item?
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Prospectus of Cavendish College, Cambridge, 1885
Notes, Petitions, Correspondence, Proposals, Prospectus, Reports, Financial Documents and Memorandums relating to the County College Association.
Cavendish College Association, Limited, 1887 - 1891
Prospectus, Memorandums of Association, Correspondence, Subscriptions, Notes and Registers relating to the Cavendish College Association Ltd.
Resolutions from meeting of Trustees and Directors of County College Association Limited, dated 12th of August, 1887
Prospectus, Memorandums of Association, Correspondence, Subscriptions, Notes and Registers relating to the Cavendish College Association Ltd.
Prospectus. The New Association, dated 25th of October, 1887
Prospectus, Memorandums of Association, Correspondence, Subscriptions, Notes and Registers relating to the Cavendish College Association Ltd.
Public Advertisement. Application for a License of the Board of Trade, dated 25th of May, 1888
Prospectus, Memorandums of Association, Correspondence, Subscriptions, Notes and Registers relating to the Cavendish College Association Ltd.
Prospectus, Cavendish College, Cambridge. By J. H. Flather, dated April, 1890
Prospectus, Memorandums of Association, Correspondence, Subscriptions, Notes and Registers relating to the Cavendish College Association Ltd.
Prospectus, Cavendish College, Cambridge. By J. H. Flather, dated July, 1889
Prospectus, Memorandums of Association, Correspondence, Subscriptions, Notes and Registers relating to the Cavendish College Association Ltd.
Prospectus. Cavendish College, Cambridge. By J. H. Flather, dated March, 1891
Prospectus, Memorandums of Association, Correspondence, Subscriptions, Notes and Registers relating to the Cavendish College Association Ltd.
Circular Letter from G. M. Humphry, Cavendish College, Cambridge, dated 13th of March, 1891
Prospectus, Memorandums of Association, Correspondence, Subscriptions, Notes and Registers relating to the Cavendish College Association Ltd.
Set of four plans (ground, first, second and third/fourth), by John Giles and Gough, re-printed from 'County Education', dated January, 1873
Architectural plans, Reports, Correspondence, Wood Engravings and Photographs relating to the buildings of Cavendisg College.
Buildings of Cavendish College, 1872 - 1889
Architectural plans, Reports, Correspondence, Wood Engravings and Photographs relating to the buildings of Cavendisg College.