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Letter 10, 1864

Reference Code: GBR/3243/FOR/001/009/010

Scope and Contents

From the Fonds:

Letters written by Third Earl Hugh Fortescue to Joseph Lloyd Brereton concerning educational proposals/activities, political and rural issues and personal matters. The pair had a life-long friendship having met as neighbours in West Buckland where they opened a proprietory boarding school for farmer's sons. Fortescue was a considerable landowner, concerned with the welfare of rural England and sympathetic to the unsectarian religious views of Brereton. He became Brereton's first convert to the importance of middle-class education and a loyal supporter of his attempts to establish middle-class schools. The pair championed the "proprietory principle" for free enterprise in education. Other letters written to Brereton are included as well as covers/envelopes addressed to him.

The collection also includes sixty letters shared between the Fortescue and Brereton families between 1867 and 1869.


  • Creation: 1864



1 page(s) (Envelope) : Paper

Repository Details

Part of the Homerton College Archive Repository

Homerton College
Hills Road
Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 8PH United Kingdom
01223 747133