Negatives of images of Sculpture in Alexandria Museum, Egypt, 1902 - 1903
Scope and Contents
Images of sculpture in the museum at Alexandria, Egypt.
- Creation: 1902 - 1903
- From the Fonds: Wace, Alan John Bayard, 1879-1957 (archaeologist) (Person)
14 item(s) (14 individual images each on cellulose nitrate film curled into rolls.) : cellulose nitrate negatives
Custodial History
Former reference 'Wace Archive 032', Cambridge transfer, Box 13
Physical Description
14 rolled strips of negative film in original box which is white cardboard with green printed text, 'Eastman Transparent Film Cartridge'. The box is stamped on one side, 'Emulsion No.19044 30 - Sensitometer Notice this film must be developed before Nov. 1st 1903'. Box annotated by AJBW in pencil, 'Alexandria sculpture'. Box L. 8 x W. 3 x H. 3.5 cm.
Each roll of negative film has one image each, each roll unfurled measures 11cm x 6.5 cm
Processing Information
These 14 negatives were digitally photographed in May 2022 by Amélie M. F. Deblauwe of the Digital Photography Unit, University of Cambridge for upload to the Cambridge Digital Library.
Repository Details
Part of the University of Cambridge: Faculty of Classics Archives Repository
Faculty of Classics
Sidgwick Avenue
Cambridge CB3 9DA United Kingdom
+441223 335193