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The Sermon delivered by George Augustus Selwyn, Lord Bishop of Lichfleld before the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, assembled in St. John's Chapel, in the City of New York. , 1874-10-07, GBR/0276/SEPP/SEL/28/92, SEPP/SEL/28/92. Selwyn College Archives.

The Sermon delivered by George Augustus Selwyn, Lord Bishop of Lichfleld before the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, assembled in St. John's Chapel, in the City of New York. , 1874-10-07, GBR/0276/SEPP/SEL/28/92, SEPP/SEL/28/92. Selwyn College Archives. Accessed July 06, 2024.

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