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Isaiah II. 6. Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath; for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner; but my salvation shall be for e, 1868 - 1871, GBR/0276/SEPP/SEL/28/52, SEPP/SEL/28/52. Selwyn College Archives.

Isaiah II. 6. Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath; for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner; but my salvation shall be for e, 1868 - 1871, GBR/0276/SEPP/SEL/28/52, SEPP/SEL/28/52. Selwyn College Archives. Accessed July 06, 2024.

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