College Admissions Book, volume 1, 1882 - 1924
Scope and Contents
Register with names and details of students admitted to Selwyn College, arranged by year of entry or matriculation with their dates of birth, subject of study and notes on examinations passed; additional notes have been added for some entries; indexed at front of volume; also lists of Naval students, Naval officers and Royal Engineers who were posted to Selwyn for the purposes of the Military short courses during the First World War
- Creation: 1882 - 1924
1 volume(s) : Paper
Other Finding Aids
Electronic index available; digital images of lists of those attending military short courses also available; apply to the Archivist
Repository Details
Part of the Selwyn College Archives Repository
The College Archivist
Selwyn College Archives
Selwyn College, Grange Road
Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB3 9DQ United Kingdom
+44 (0)1223 762014