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Temperature cone and 2 test pieces for colouring from Fujikawa Pottery, Kyoto and a temperature cone from St. Mary's Pottery, Scilly Isles, c.1950s-1970s, GBR/1928/NRI/NRI2/8/3/5/5, Box NRI2/8/3/5/1-7. Needham Research Institute.

Temperature cone and 2 test pieces for colouring from Fujikawa Pottery, Kyoto and a temperature cone from St. Mary's Pottery, Scilly Isles, c.1950s-1970s, GBR/1928/NRI/NRI2/8/3/5/5, Box NRI2/8/3/5/1-7. Needham Research Institute. Accessed December 27, 2024.

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