Folder MS Add.10275/3/1/2/4/1/8: Portfolio 25
Contains 1 Result:
Battle - Codename: Conquest! Artwork, 1988
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/3/1/2/4/1/8
Scope and Contents
A bundle of nine panels, separated and mounted into three lots, which contain the original artwork for the cartoon strip, 'Battle - Code Name Conquest!' (SI/431 (c) and SI/432 (c)). This cartoon strip was produced by freelance artist, Tony McSweeney, and used in the Spitting Image Productions Limited publication, The Giant Komic Book, published in 1988. This cartoon strip is a play on the Bayeux Tapestry.
Conditions Governing Access:
From the Series:
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