Box RGO 87/67-80: Box 9
Contains 14 Results:
Computer program outputs, 1964 - 1970
Comprises print-outs of output from computer program C87, with handwritten annotations. The first three sets are labelled:
'Astrolabe (Cape): Listing of orange 3 cards: (i) FK4 stars (ii) GC stars'
'R.V. Observations Kottamia June 65'
'Job C87'
The remainder of the sets are for test packs.
'Program NA 287/A: Cape Astrolabe Duty Run', undated, [1960s-1970s]
Comprises a general description of the computer program and details of the assembly of the data pack.
Reference tables and other papers, undated, [1960s-1970s]
Comprises tables of figures, possibly used as reference tables or calculation aids. Some are pasted on to card. Also includes list of film numbers corresponded to observations keys. In addition, includes test pack data for computer programs 187/A and 177/A (Cape).
Cape astrolabe data for standard stars, 1965 - 1969
Comprises lists of standard stars, along with tabulated data and graphs for latitude, parallaxes, and mean DZETA. One set of data covers the period 1965-9; the rest are undated. Also includes a chart titled 'SAST for Observers to open the Dome', mounted on card.
'Co-ordinates of the Pole (Mean Pole)', 1965 - 1966
Comprises tabulated data titled 'Co-ordinates of the Pole (Mean Pole)' and labelled 'from Bulletin Horaire'.
Photocopied tabulated data, undated, [1960s-1970s]
Group corrections to time, latitude and observed zenith distance, undated, [1960s-1970s]
Comprises tabulated data for group corrections to time, latitude and OZD [observed zenith distance].
Group corrections to prism angle, undated, [1960s-1970s]
Comprises tabulated data for group corrections to prism angle.
Cape astrolabe progress reports, 1965 - 1969
Comprises sheets titled 'Astrolabe Progress' showing stars observed and corrections from February 1967 to April 1969; a chart of observed latitude from 1965 to 1966; two reports titled 'Cape Astrolabe Programme' from J. D. Laing to D. V. Thomas, dated 1967 and 1968; photocopies of data tables; and charts of observations.
'Cape Astrolabe Inventory', 1969-12-17
Comprises a list of items compiled by J. D. Laing.
'Astrolabe Analysis', 1961
Comprises handwritten notes titled 'Astrolabe Analysis'. Includes sections on 'Thorough Investigation'; 'Slick Investigation'; and 'Compromise'. There is an accompanying note from David [Thomas] asking Andrew [Murray] for comments, dated 21 December 1961.
Calculations and notes, undated, [1960s-1970s]
Comprises handwritten calculations and notes. The notes are headed 'Astrolabe Star & Group Corrections'; and 'Group Corrections'.
Notes, calculations and tabulated data, undated, [1960s-1970s]
Comprises handwritten notes, calculations, tabulated data, and charts. Headings on the notes include 'Stars for Rejection'; 'Stars with catalogue no. wrongly punched'; 'Data for plot of SW + SE v mag.'; 'Mean catalogue corrns.'. Some are also labelled 'Preparation for Run T'.
Astrolabe results summaries, undated, [1960s-1970s]
Comprises sets of tabulated data. Headings include 'Astrolabe Summary: Stars before applying observations'; 'Astrolabe Latitude'; 'Astrolabe Summary of Restults in Time and Latitude etc'; 'To correspond with CH sheets of Astrolabe Time Observations'.