Box RGO 87/34-36: Box 5
Contains 3 Results:
Books of star data, undated, [1960s-1970s]
Comprises six notebooks containing tabulated data. The volumes are labelled:
'Run 1 Standards ABCD';
'Run 1 Catalogue Stars AB';
'Run 1 Catalogue Stars CD';
'Run 1 Standards EFGH';
'Run 1 Catalogue Stars EF';
'Run 1 Catalogue Stars GF'.
Reglage books, 1965 - 1969
Comprises two notebooks labelled 'Reglage Book'. The books contain tabulated data for reglage readings. The tables give dates, observer's initials and reglage readings. The first book contains data for 1965 to December 1967, and the second book contains data from December 1967 to April 1969.
Astrolabe observer's reglage and refraction books, 1965 - 1969
Comprises two notebooks labelled 'Astrolabe Observer's Reglage and Refraction Book'. The books contain tabulated data for reglage and refraction. The tables give dates, observer's initials and data. The first book contains data for March 1965 to August 1967, and the second book contains data from September 1967 to April 1969.