Box PRESS 3/1/4/3041-3169
Contains 129 Results:
Shorter Cambridge Medieval History: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
These letters relate to the Bibliography.
Shotton, W.L.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
These letters relate to a translation of Starting Point of Metaphysics by Marechal, J.
Shove, F.C.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
These files relate to Christina Rossetti.
Shuckburgh, [E.S.]: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
This letter relates to Caesar's Gallic War VII.
Shuffrey, G.O.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
These letters relate to A Schoolmaster Looks at Education, with a report by Carrington, C.E.
Shuffrey, P.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948
These letters relate to Sir Charles Napier by Holmes, T.R.
Shuter and Shooter Ltd.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
This letter relates to sales negotiations.
Shweenburg, G.F.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
This letter relates to The English Standard System of Shorthand.
Sibly, J.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
These letters relate to A Warning to Usurpers, with a report by Bennett, H.S.
Siddons, A.W.: Correspondence with the Press, 1945 - 1952
These letters relate to:
Four Figure Tables
Elementary Geometry
Modern Geometry
Solid Geometry
A New Geometry
Shorter Geometry
Elementary Algebra
Introduction to Geometry
Junior Geometry.
Sidgwick, J.B.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
These letters relate to A Long Time Dead.
Sidgwick and Jackson Ltd.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
These letters relate to:
Shakespeare Survey
Darwin's Finches by Lack, D.
Sigerist, H.E.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
These letters relate to Cambridge Ancient History.
Sih, S.T.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
These letters relate to Mechanised Accounting.
Sijthoff, A.W.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
These letters relate to quotations from various works in an anthology of world literature.
Silberner, E.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
These letters relate to Socialism and the Jews 1800-1917.
Silcock, A.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948
These letters relate to Leonardo da Vinci by Clark, K.
Silva, A.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
These letters relate to Maps and Surveys by Hinks, A.R.
Silverthorne, W.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
These letters relate to the sale of prints of authors' portraits.
Simkin, M.E.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948
Many of these letters are offers of manuscripts and their acceptance or decline, requests for permission to publish, requests from solicitors for royalty information for probate, requests to authors for amendments for second editions, and requests for illustrative material for non-Press publications.
Simmons, J.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
These letters relate to Small Talk at Wreyland by Torr, C.
Simon, E.F.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
These letters relate to The End of Mystery.
Simon, H.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
This letter relates to a tour of The Curwen Press.
Simons, C.I.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949 - 1952
These letters relate to:
French Passages for Translation with Ritchie, R.L.G.
Essays in Translation from French with Ritchie, R.L.G.
Simons, H.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
These letters relate to Shakespeare on the School Stage.