Box PRESS 3/1/4/759-909
Contains 151 Results:
Cope and Co.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
The letters relate to A History of the Piano-Forte by Harding, R.E.M.
Copeland, A.J.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
The letters relate to a pamplet entitled The Evolution of Influenza.
Copenhagen University: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
The letters relate to the Shakespeare Survey.
Das, M.M.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
These letters relate to Electricity for Degree Students, with a report by Shire, E.S.
Dasgupta, S.N.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950 - 1952
These letters relate to:
Lectures on the Principles of Indian Art
The History of Indian Philosophy
Indian Idealism.
Cornford, F.M.: Correspondence with the Press, 1946 - 1950
The letters are exchanged with Cornford, F. and relate to works by Cornford, F.M.:
Collection of Essays by Cornford, F.M. and Guthrie, W.K.C.
Origins of Greek Philosophical Thought.
Includes reports by Dodds, E.R. and Guthrie, W.K.C.
Cornish, V.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948
The letters relate to:
Ocean Waves and Kindred Geophysical Phenomena
The Preservation of our Scenery
Scenery and the Sense of Sight
The Scenery of Sidmouth.
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
These letters relate to Prayer Books.
Cortesao, A.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950 - 1952
The letters relate to a monograph on a Portulan chart dated 1424 from the Phillipps Collection. Includes correspondence with Munby, A.N.L. and Robinson, P. and reports from Crone, G.R. and Skelton, R.A.
Davey, P.C.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
These letters relate to Mathematics at the Fireside by Shackle, G.L.S.
Davey, R.C.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
This letter relates to Pepys: The Years of Peril by Bryant, A.
David, F.N.: Correspondence with the Press, 1947 - 1950
These letters relate to Probability Theory for Statistical Methods, with a report by Daniels, H.E.
David, W.A.L.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
Many of these letters are offers of manuscripts and their acceptance or decline, requests for permission to publish, requests from solicitors for royalty information for probate, requests to authors for amendments for second editions, and requests for illustrative material for non-Press publications.
Davidson, H.K.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
These letters relate to the Marshall Lectures on citizenship and social class.
Davidson, J.N.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949 - 1950
These letters relate to:
Biochemical Journal
Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology.
Davidson, M.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948
These letters relate to Reflections on the Philosophy of Sir Arthur Eddington by Ritchie, A.D.
Davidson, M.N.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
These letters relate to the sale of Cambridge books in West Africa.
Davie, D.A.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
These letters relate to The English Idea of Russian Fiction Since 1828.
Davies, A.C.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
These letters relate to The Science and Practice of Welding.
Davies, E.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948
These letters relate to Annals of Thomas Banks by Bell, C.F.
Davies, G.C.B.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
These letters relate to Henry Phillpotts, Bishop of Exeter 1831-69, with reports by Sykes, N. and Young, F.G.
Davies, G.R.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
These letters relate to a talk by Kingsford, R.J.L. at the Cambridge Library Group.
Davies, H.E.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
These letters relate to the sale or gift of two books to the Press.
Davies, H.S.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
This letter relates to dates of meetings for the Syndicate and an un-named Sub-Syndicate.
Davies, J.H.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
These letters relate to Nepal Himalaya by Tilman, H.W.