Box PRESS 3/1/4/523-622
Contains 100 Results:
Capograssi, A.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
The letters relate to Gli Inglesi in Italia Durante le Campagne Napoleoniche, Lord. W. Bentinck.
Cappie-Wood, T.N.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
The letters relate to British Trade Unions Under the Labour Government.
Carbon, B.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
The letters relate to Greek Byways by Glover, T.R.
Carey, A.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
The letters relate to an imperfect binding of a Bible sent to him by Swannell, G.
Carey, G.V.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948 - 1952
The letters relate to:
Making an Index
American into English with reports by Mansbridge, F.R., Roberts, S.C. and Crutchley, B.
Cambridge Author’s and Printer’s Guides.
Carey, H.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
The letters relate to a History of South Africa as part of the British Commonwealth Series.
Carey Kingsgate Press: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
The letters relate to permission to quote from Science and the Modern World by Whitehead, A.N.
Carey, M.F.M.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948 - 1949
The letters relate to the Church Missionary Society.
Carlisle, C.A.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
The letters relate to employment at the Press offices.
Carlyle Trust: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
The letters are addressed to Nowell-Smith, S. (a Trustee of The Carlyle Trust) and relate to a proposed subscription by the Press to the Trust, with the aim of purchasing books for The London Library.
Carnall, G.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
The letters relate to Later Court Hands by Jenkinson, H.
Carnie, T.C.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
The letters relate to a translation of Woyzeck by Buchner, G.
Carpenter, S.C.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
The letters relate to Commentary on 1 and 2 Corinthians.
Carr, A.J.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
The letters relate to General Relativity.
Carr-Gomm, R.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
The letters relate to Atomic Energy from Britain with a report by Carrington, C.E.
Carrington, C.E.: Correspondence with the Press, 1943 - 1951
Carrington, N.L.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
This is a cover letter enclosed with a mis-directed letter.
Carritt, E.F.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949 - 1950
The letters relate to an anthology of English poetry entitled Poets Before Their Peers and permission to quote from The Name and Nature of Poetry by Housman, A.E.
Carroll, D.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948
The letters relate to permission to perform In Praise of London by Goldring, D.
Carson, T.W.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
The letters relate to Modern European History 1789-1939.
Carter, A.W.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948
The letters relate to permission to reproduce the frontispiece from Light by McKenzie, A.E.E.
Carter, E.H.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948
This letter arranges a meeting.
Carter, F.C.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
The letter relates to Telekinetic Electricity.
Carter, G.S.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
The letters relate to Evolution.
Carter, G.W.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948
The letters relate to Calculation of Electrical Transients.