Box PRESS 3/1/4/523-622
Contains 100 Results:
Calvert, C.W.S.: Correspondence with the Press, 1950
The letters relate to A Servant of Two Masters by Goldoni, C.
Calvin, D.D.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948 - 1949
The letters relate to the Estate of Calvin, D.D. and royalties due for Corner of Empire.
Cam, H.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
The letters relate to a proposed Constitutional History of England to 1485.
Cambridge English Classics: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
The letter proposes Reed, A.W. as Editor of the dramatic works of John Heywood and John Rastell.
Cambridge Historical Journal: Correspondence with the Press, 1946 - 1952
The letters relate to Butterfield, H. and Wilson, C.H. Also included are accounts and sales figures for the Journal.
Cambridge Historical Society: Correspondence with the Press, 1950 - 1952
The letters relate to Wilson, C.H. and grants to the Society.
Cambridge Philosophical Society: Correspondence with the Press, 1948 - 1951
These letters relate to the Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, with correspondents including Rankin, R.A., Wilkes, M.V., Taunt, D.R. and Smith, S.
Cambridge Pocket Diary: Correspondence with the Press, 1950 - 1952
The letters relate to an error in the date for the annual meeting of the Geodesy and Geophysics Committee, and a letter to The Cambridge Review in response to one by Thomson, D.
Cambridge Review: Correspondence with the Press, 1948 - 1951
The letters were sent to the Editor and relate to the Pitt Memorial Committee (and The Pitt Press by Crutchley, B.) and also The Reader’s Bible.
Cambridge Town Planning Report: Correspondence with the Press, 1949 - 1950
The letters relate to publication of the Report.
Cameron, F.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
The letters relate to Feminine Education in England in the Seventeenth Century.
Cameron, J.F.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948 - 1949
The letters relate to business matters of the Press Syndicate.
Cameron N.E.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
The letters relate to Adoniya and Sabaco: Two Plays by a Guianese.
Campbell, A.Y.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949 - 1951
The letters relate to stocks, royalty payments and reprints of Psychological Principles, The Realm of Ends, Essays in Philosophy, and Psychology Applied to Education by Ward, J.
Campbell, L.M.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
The letters relate to Pianistic Platitudes.
Campbell, N.R.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949 - 1952
The letters relate to the Estate of Campbell, N.R. and royalties for Physics, the Elements.
Campione, P.: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
The letter informs Campione, P. of the death of Jeans, J.
Canada House: Correspondence with the Press, 1949 - 1952
The letters relate to the preparation of a book about the economic resources of Canada, and the Cambridge Society Ltd. of Montreal.
Canadian Pacific Railway Company: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
The letter relates to the return of a photograph.
Canadian Theosophist: Correspondence with the Press, 1948
The letters relate to permission to quote Expectans Expectavi by Sorley, C.H.
Candler, C.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
The letters relate to The Physics of the Nucleus and include reports from Shire, E.S. and Feather, N.
Canfield, C.: Correspondence with the Press, 1949
The letter relates to a meeting between Mr Fischer, Chief Editor of Harper and Brothers, Publishers, New York and Kingsford, R.J.L.
Canford School: Correspondence with the Press, 1951
This telegram enquires whether Life by Shipley, A. is available.
Cann, A.W.: Correspondence with the Press, 1952
The letters relate to A Collection of Prayers from the Bible.
Cape, Jonathan Ltd.: Correspondence with the Press, 1948 - 1951
The letters relate to:
Cosmic Rays by Millikan, R.A.
Memoir of Sir Philip Hartog by Lady Hartog
Italian Influence in England in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century by Scott, E.D.
Mediaeval English Nunneries by Power, E.