Box MS Add.9563: Box 1
Contains 62 Results:
Valerie Suzy, Lady Meux
Presenting a book to the Library; found in the book (unspecified)
Letter from John Hey, March 1796
11 Mar 1796 to an unnamed correspondent Dr. Jowett persuaded the Syndicate to print first volume of lectures at their expense. Asks correspondent to proof-read sheets. Index to come when all volumes complete, predicts five in all.
Samuel Beckett, letter to Edward Dahlberg, May 1974
1 card, 6 May 1974, describing his relationship with Edward Titus, American director of Franco-American quarterly magazine 'The Quarter'
Letters to Ernest Newman, September 1922-November 1953
[20-24] SIR ARTHUR BLISS Letters 20 SEP 1922 Â 25 NOV 1953 Referring to compositions, visiting J.B.Priestly to discuss writing an opera The Green Bough. [25] ALAN DUDLEY BUSH Letter 28 MAR 1943 in response to Newman's article in The Times which disagreed with a statement made by Bush on British composers.
Letter from Henry Goulburn, April 1831
Letter 27 April 1831 to a supporter about Cambridge University seat in General Election
Letters to Edward Mansel Townshend, 1884-1895
[27-35] HANDLEY CARR GLYN MOULE Letters 1884-95 following Townshend's curacies; other Anglican Church matters. [36] HUBERT SEYMOUR ISAACS Letter 1888 to 'My dearest Brother' referring to a tournament and also church services. [37] GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS SCHUTT SCHNEIDER (1858-1941) Letter 15 JUN 1886 on amount due for rooms. Mention of forthcoming examination results.
Nevil Maskelyne : Letter to John Nourse, January 1767
1 letter 20 January 1767, asking for 'a nautical almanac stitched in blue
A.W. Trewethy: Letter to H.F. Saltmarsh., 1925
News of Sir William Barrett's death; question of a Society for Psychical Research 'volume of literary research'. A.W. Trewethy and Herbert F. Saltmarsh (1881-1943), writers on spiritualism.
Max Teichman-Derville: Letter to Lewis Lloyd, June 1939
1 letter, 19 JUN 1939, sending a copy of his book: recommending other books for London Library
Francis and Margaret Jenkinson: Memorabilia, 1933 (circa)
[89] Obituary of MCJ, in The Cambridge Chronicle, 17 MAY 1933. [90] Photograph of 'the late Mrs. Francis Jenkinson', unnamed paper, n.d. [91] Photograph of Mrs. Jenkinson, by J. Palmer Clarke, Cambridge, n.d. [92] Photograph of Francis Jenkinson, by Whyte, Inverness, n.d. [93] Photograph of Richard Rowe, Trinity College.
John Willis Clark: Letters to Harry C. Marillier, 1889-1898
5 letters, 1889-98, encouraging HCM to write a book mixing literature with scandal; disappointed 'more by the treachery of friends than by the actual loss of the post' of University Librarian; his collection of Cambridge periodicals; declining to address Odd Volumes; keen to visit Nadrack; teetotalism; references to Ernest Clarke.
Algernon Herbert: Letter to H, 1849 (circa)
Adverse criticism of Herbert's Cyclops Christianus; or, An argument to disprove the supposed antiquity of the Stonehenge and other megalithic erections in England and Britanny (London, 1849)
Correspondence between Scientists, 1809-1818
Sir Isaac Pennington: Letter to George Ashby, July 1781
27 July 1781, did not find in CUL several scientific books which Ashby requested he borrow for him; congratulations on Ashby's papers on 'the Ancient Fire'; read Sonnerat's Voyages with great pleasure; looks forward to completion of Captain Cook's Last Voyage, by King; Master of St. John's going to Isle of Wight for recuperation.
John Grierson: Lines from Paradise Lost, 1800 (circa)
John Grierson (his signature in same hand), lines from John Milton, Paradise lost, with notes 'of frets or guilochis', 1 sheet
Walter Glaser: Investigations of four pole lenses., 1955 (circa)
Investigations of four-pole lenses. An electron microscope corrected with respect to spherical aberration. Photostat of typescript, 1955, for Farrand Optical Co. Inc., New York.
William Bennet Pike: Portrait Photograph, 1893 - 1905
Portrait photograph of Pike in theatrical costume, by Scott & Wilkinson, 'adjoining New Theatre, Cambridge'.
Irene Scouloudi: Letter to Miles C. Burkitt, 1959
Asking MCB to review Henri Lhoti, The search for the Tassili frescoes
Sir Geoffrey Keynes: Details of his portrait of Sir Nicholas Bacon, 1953
Keynes purchased a picture of Sir Nicholas Bacon in 1953, from the collection of the late Prince Duleep Singh. The picture now hangs in the Keynes Room at CUL. These notes were formerly attached to the back of the picture. [182-186] Keynes's notes on provenance of his picture, page of sale catalogue, photograph of it and National Portrait Gallery version.
Jerzy Peterkiewicz - Biographical Materials, 1941-2004
Biographical materials collected by Lucjan Lewitter, presented by him with an explanatory letter [187] JP, article 'Trzy niespodzianki' (Three surprises) in Mysl Polska, 1941, photocopy. [188] Letter, JP to Lewitter, 2004. [189] Stefan Jurkowski, 'Jerzy Pietrkiewicz', in Tydzien Literacki, 2004, with some of his early poems. [190] Press release on JP, by Macmillans, photocopy. [191] Explanatory letter, LUCJAN LEWITTER to CUL, 16 NOV 2004, presenting items.
Robert Eddison: Pen and wash sketch, 1928 - 1950
1 sketch, blue pen and wash, 'Maison de 'La femme seule'
Sir Oliver Lodge: Letter to F.J.M. Stratton, October 1930
1 letter, 23 October 1930
Letters, poems and notes found in books in the Library, 1827-1982
Letters to Francis Jenkinson, 1889 - 1923
[230] M.R. JAMES, 27 JAN n.y., proposes a subsyndicate on best way of reproducing Codex Bezae by photography. [231-233] AUBREY STEWART, n.d., questions about placenames in Fabri's Evagatorium.
Selina Bathurst to Eleanor Sidgwick, 1900 - 1929
25 JUL n.y., wants to present a 'good spectroscope' to Newnham College's laboratory