Box MS Add.9375/665-1094: Box 3
Contains 226 Results:
Page 4 of a letter, in pencil, from someone visiting California (signature indecipherable) to ?, praising Siegfried Sassoon's ''Meredith'' (1948), 1948-1949 (date approximate)
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Pencil note headed 'The Magic of the Stars', and beginning 'This seems to me a mistaken book...', unsigned, 1910-1960 (most likely 1920s-30s)
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from Bessie [?Marchant] (Shepherds Bush) to husband Jack, mentioning Captain Sassoon's kindness and looking forward to a reunion ('I am allowed five shillings a week from the Sheriffs Fund'), 1910-1960 (most likely 1920s-30s)
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from [?H.] Reeve (Foxholes, Christchurch, Hampshire) to Mr Morrison, thanking him for his 'princely gift, which will be ''the glory of my library''', 22 Mar. 1910-22 Mar. 1960 (year inferred (most likely 1920s-30s))
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Press cutting of an article entitled 'Querkes, Farmonger, and Dusp', article by Siegfried Sassoon in The Spectator, 19 June 1936
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Miscellaneous oddments, 1875-1950 (late 19th - mid 20th century)
Including further press-cuttings; a dog licence for Siegfried Sassoon, January 1934; a General Staff leaflet 'Experiences of a Division in recent fighting', May 1917; a blank Patrol Report form; part of an envelope relating to the Edinburgh Review for April 1808; a religious tract by Oswald Chambers, undated [cf. S. Clements 1940?]; and a map showing Oundle School.
Letter from F. R. Needham (Oxford) to Siegfried Sassoon expressing thanks for book of poems for the Library, 2 Apr. 1925
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from Charles W. Newey (Lee, London) to Siegfried Sassoon expressing thanks for Sassoon's kindness, hopes to get work and make a fresh start, 23 Mar. 1925
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letters from Edgar Newgass (London) to Siegfried Sassoon re enjoyment of ''Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man'' (1928), identity of some characters, is he 'Lewison'?, death of George Wilson and situation of widow Jane, 4 Feb. 1929-10 Feb. 1929
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letters from E. Ranald Newson (Norbury, and University College, London) to Siegfried Sassoon sending Sassoon his poems, 1927-1933 (late 1920s-early 1930s (23 January, 17, 20 February 1929, 17 January no year given))
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from Ivor Nicholson (London) to Siegfried Sassoon re enjoyment of ''Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man'' (1928), would Sassoon write a 'gentlemanly' serial for the magazine?, 28 Oct. 1928
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from Solomon Nightingale (St Albans) to Siegfried Sassoon re his latest book, Sassoon's supposed pseudonyms, 1910-1960 (most likely 1920s-30s)
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from Inga Norberg (Ulricehamn, Sweden) to Siegfried Sassoon reflecting on translating ''Memoirs of an Infantry Officer'' (1930) into Swedish, 23 Aug. 1931
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letters from Ronald Oates (St John's Wood, London) to Siegfried Sassoon re returned from service with Royal Welch Fusiliers in Italy, would Sassoon permit translation of his poetry into Italian? and opinion on publishers, 22 Nov. 1945-9 Dec. 1945
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from R. N. O'Connor (Camberley) to Siegfried Sassoon re enjoyment of ''Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man'' (1928), own memories of war and hunting, 17 Nov. 1928 (year inferred)
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from Rose Isserlis Odle (London) to Siegfried Sassoon re appreciation of ''Meredith'' (1948), 22 Nov. 1949
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from Cicily O'Kelly (Crecora, Co. Limerick) to Siegfried Sassoon re enjoyment of ''Sherston's Progress'' (1936), fate of 'The Mister', invitation to visit and hunt, 30 Sep. 1936
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from May O'Rourke (Dorchester) to Siegfried Sassoon re Thomas Hardy and a Catholic priest, Fr O'Rourke, also refers to Edmund Blunden, 27 Nov. 1965
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from Walter H. Parker (Hackney) to Siegfried Sassoon asking whether ''Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man'' (1928) is to be classified as biography, a book on hunting, or even fiction, 21 Dec. 1928
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from A. F. Parkinson (Holloway, London) to Siegfried Sassoon expressing thanks for kindness, would like to meet, is looking for a job, 1910-1960 (most likely 1920s-30s)
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from William Emrys Parry (New Barracks, Limerick) to Siegfried Sassoon returning manuscripts of poems, 1 Feb. 1918
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from Victor A. Y. Paterson (East Finchley, London) to Siegfried Sassoon re comment on Sassoon's portrayal of him in Rouen Hospital in ''Memoirs of an Infantry Officer'' (1930), 13 Oct. 1932
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from Victor Perowne [?John Victor Thomas (1897-1951) diplomat] (London) to Siegfried Sassoon sending congratulations on ''Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man'' (1928), met Sassoon convalescing at Lennel House 1918, 22 Mar. 1929
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from Frances Phipps (Yew Tree Cottage, Wilcot, near Pewsey, Wiltshire) to Siegfried Sassoon re has bought a missal that belonged to 'H. B.' [Hilaire Belloc], 1910-1960 (most likely 1920s-30s)
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letter from H. S. Pimm (Newcastle) to Siegfried Sassoon commenting on Julian Dadd's death, 19 Oct. 1938
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.