Box MS Add.8781/204-550: Box 2
Contains 118 Results:
Correspondence to Lawrence Picken, 9 Feb. 1942-29 Apr. 1946 (Circa)
Letter from William Pitt (1759-1806) to J.D. Borton, 10 May 1904
Canvassing letter about his re-election as M.P. for Cambridge University on appointment as Prime Minister
Letter from Albert W.F. Potter to E.D.G. Kirkwood, 18 Dec. 1942
Mr Monsarrat has no posts vacant at Walton Hospital, but there are posts elsewhere
Letter from G.L. Prendergast to S.G. Lewis, 22 Jan. 1875
Offering a copy of his 'Concordance to Homer's Iliad', 1875
Letter from Charles W. Previté-Orton (1877-1947) to G.R. Potter, 25 Apr. 1936
He asks for a review of 'Auctarium', vol. III, for the 'English Historical Review'
Letter from Sir George N. Prothero (1849-1922) to Henry Bradshaw, 20 July 1880
Application for admission to the Library on Ryan's behalf
Letter from M. Prou to [?], 26 Oct. 1894
Bibliothèque Nationale; answer to an enquiry on French numismatics
Correspondence from Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch (1863-1944), 12 Apr. 1934-29 May 1934
Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch (1863-1944): Papers, 17 Oct. 1917-Oct. 1934 (Circa)
Correspondence from Arthur Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury (1904-88) to Basil F.C. Atkinson, 12 Aug. 1962-21 June 1963
Letter from Leonard R. Read to Philip Gosse, Mar. 1936
If he is not the owner of the Countess of Winchilsea manuscript, who is? (endorsed: 'No further reply to this coxcomb.')
Letter from James S. Reid (1846-1926) to Leonard Butler, 2 May 1913
Questions arising from Reid's 'Some questions of Roman public law' in the 'Journal of Roman Studies', vol. 1
Correspondence from Kenneth Rexroth to Sean Jennet, 23 May 1946 (Circa)
Letter from Caroline M. Ridding (1862-1941) to Mrs Giles, 15 Nov. 1938
Reminiscences of social occasions in Cambridge; news on Mme. de la Vallée
Letter from J.W. Robberds to J. Goodhall, 5 Nov. 1831
Delivery of a parcel; fossils
Letter from George Ronault de Fleury to [?], 1 Aug. 1890
Photographs and lithographs of English churches; he would like to visit [Cambridge?]