Box MS Add.8727/13-23: Box 2
Contains 11 Results:
'Inorganic and Physical Chemistry'
Loose notes are enclosed in book
'Chemistry Practical Analysis'
Both ends of notebook used; loose note is enclosed at rear of book
'Physical Chemistry', 1929
Includes entry dated '13th March 1929. Professor Goldschmidt on Crystal Structure and Molecular Consitution'; loose note is enclosed at rear of book
Notebook used for mathematics notes, analytical geometry, solid geometry, etc.
Both ends of notebook used; loose notes are enclosed at front and rear of book
Notebook used for chemistry notes
Loose notes are enclosed at front and rear of book
Notebook with 'Practical Physical Chemistry' on first page
The collection consists of the twenty-three notebooks Lewis left in the care of his brother Mr J A Lewis when he emigrated to Canada in 1946. The notebooks contain chiefly lecture notes and practical work for Lewis's undergraduate degree courses at Cambridge 1927-30. Notebook 1 contains physics notes which predate his university career and notebook 22 contains postgraduate work. Lectures by G F C Searle are identified in notebooks 11 and 12.
Booklet containing thirty experiments for 'Advanced Class' (contents list + 45pp. duplicated)
Loose notes are enclosed at rear of booklet; see Add.8727/20 and /21 for Lewis's Part II practical work
Notebook with 'Physics Book' imprinted on front cover
Topic 'Experiments 52 to 60 Dr Ellis' Lab May Term 1929. 60 to End Part II Lab' inscribed on flyleaf; loose items are enclosed in book
Notebook, 1929
Topic '1929 - Part II Lab (continued)' inscribed on flyleaf
Notebook used for postgraduate work, 1931
First page is headed 'Electrical Discharge Through Gases. Langmuir, Scott Lectures, 1931 Lent Term'; loose notes are enclosed at front of book
Notes on theory of errors, atomic spectra, isotopes
The notes on isotopes are very probably Lewis's notes on F.W. Aston's lectures on this topic