Box MS Add.7655/V/a-d: Box 3
Contains 111 Results:
Notes and papers, 1847-1879 (Circa)
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Astronomy, 1849-1879 (Circa)
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Portable sundial for 'Lat.55°' (cardboard sheet)
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'Observations of sun 1851' (2 ff.), 1851
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Observations of Polaris 1851-4 (2 ff.), 1851-1854
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'On a dynamical top' (SLP 116, 2 ff.)
Abstract of the paper published as SP XV
Sketch of the dynamical top, with measurements on back of sheet (1 f., SLP 100An)
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'Precession and nutation' (3 ff.)
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'Mathematical theory of Saturn's rings' (21 ff.)
Reproduced with comments in A.T. Fuller, 'Int. J. Control', vol. 39, no. 4 (SLP 224)
'On the stability of the motion of Saturn's rings', draft of Adams Prize Essay for 1856, with pencilled observations by the examiners J. Challis and W. Thomson (Lord Kelvin), 1856 (Circa, SLP 107)
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Part of a page of a draft of SP XIX (corresponds to p. 296, beginning of part I, SLP 107, 1 ff.)
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Colour and optics, 1847-1879 (Circa)
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Description and diagrams of 'An instrument for observing the rings in crystals seen by polarised light' (SLP 13, 4 ff.)
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Notes on form of bars seen by polarised light in unannealed glass (SLP 14, 2 ff.), 1848
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'Experiments on the cause of Haidinger's brushes' (SLP 32, 4 ff.), 1850
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Notes on colour values of various plants (1 f.)
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Abstract of Dr G. Wilson's investigations on colour blindness (2 ff.)
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'Description of the chromatic teetotum' (4 ff.), 1855 (SLP 58)
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Experimental results, notes and diagrams for colour experiments (38 ff.), 1854-1859 (SLP 52A)
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Corrected proof of SP VII/SLP 59: 'Experiments on colour as perceived by the eye'
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Beginning of a treatise on optics (9 ff.), 1870-1879 (Circa, not before 1870 (see names of tripos candidates on reverse of sheets), SLP 491)
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Notes on Helmholtz's 'Physiologische Optik' (2 ff.)
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'Stereoscopic illustrations of solid geometry' (SLP 279, 3 ff.)
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On colour blindness (SLP 360, 236)
Part of early draft of SP XLVII: 'Colour vision' (3 ff.); on reverse of 3rd folio, a calculation of refraction of a magnetic wave
'Colour measures for Mr. Pole', experiment results on colour vision (20 ff.), 1862 (Circa)
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