Box MS Add.7655/V/e-h: Box 4
Contains 78 Results:
Calculations on the motions of a sphere around an axis (2 ff.)
Endorsed 'Optics', but this is not obviously relevant
Notes taken from W[?], 'Dynamiques' (3 ff.)
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Page of early draft of SP XXXIV: 'On governors' (SLP 280, 1 f.)
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'On an instrument for measuring the superficial tension of liquids' (SLP 292, 3 ff.), June 1868-Aug. 1868 (Circa summer 1868)
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'On the interpretation of Lagrange's and Hamilton's equations of motion' (SLP 419, 5 ff.)
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'On the thermodynamics of solutions of variable strength' (SLP 587, 5 ff.)
Early draft of SP LXXVI
'The thermodynamical problem of the equilibrium of heterogenous substances...' (SLP 588, 4 ff.)
Early draft of SP LXXVI
'On the equilibrium of heterogenous substances' (SP LXXVI, 5 ff.)
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Notes on capillary action from Laplace, 'Mécanique Céleste' (2 ff.)
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'Capillary action' (SLP 580, 33 ff.)
Early draft of SP LXXXIII
Notes on dynamics (SLP 491, 511; 6 ff.)
Perhaps part of an early draft of 'Matter and Motion'
'On absolute space' (SLP 121), 'On the measurement of quantities (SLP 123), 'Method of defining the position of a body' (15 ff.)
Perhaps part of an early draft of 'Matter and Motion': on the back of one sheet is a draft 'Sketch of an introduction to the higher parts of mechanics, being the science of energy as it relates to the motion [of particles]' (SLP 122)
Rough draft of part of treatise 'Methods of physical science' (SLP 512, 13 ff.), and notes on mechanics, absolute space, etc. (SLP 120, 8 ff.)
Notes endorsed 'Mechanical principles'; perhaps parts of an early draft of 'Matter and Motion'
Notes on sound and vibrations (4 ff.)
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Notes on [Thomson's] Vortex Wheel (SLP 253, 1 f.)
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Molecular physics and gases, 1858-1879 (Circa)
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Notes on passage of gases through a tube (1 f.), 1858 (Circa, date taken from watermakr)
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'Plan of an experiment on radiation' (SLP 724, 6 ff.)
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'Conduction and convection: conditions of similarity in gaseous systems' (SLP 725, 724; 3 ff.)
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Experimental results on viscosity of gases (23 ff., the first being the back of sheet 24 of a paper on an electrical subject, see item V/c/8), 1863-1864 (SLP 230, 231)
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'On the conduction of heat in gases (SLP 207, 196; 20 ff.)
Early draft of SP XXVIII: 'On the dynamical theory of gases)
Parts of a draft (SLP 259) of SP XXVIII (12 ff.)
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Parts of various early drafts and calculations for SP XXVIII (SLP 472, 679; 10 ff.)
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'On the probability of certain distributions of points in space' (SLP 544, 5 ff.)
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Notes on 'Connexion of absorption and dispersion' (3 ff.), 1869 (Circa, SLP 461)
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