Box P. M. Scott, A614 - A623
Contains 1 Result:
Biographical, 1909 - 1992
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Scott A.1-A.747
Scope and Contents
Biographical is extensive. There is a considerable volume of material covering the earlier part of Scott's life (pre-1940) including his schooldays, his periods studying at Cambridge and at Munich, and his years at East Lighthouse, 1933-1940. Some of this material was assembled by Elspeth Huxley for her biography of Scott and includes reminiscences sent to her by his contemporaries. A record of Scott's wildfowling excursions is provided by his 'wildfowling diaries', dating from his Cambridge...
1909 - 1992
Conditions Governing Access:
From the Fonds:
Some items are restricted at the discretion of the Keeper of Manuscripts.
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Peter Scott: Papers