Box 2: RGO 101/1/FE/Z/63-180, FI/Y
Contains 2 Results:
FE: 2.5m Tel. Instruments: TAURUS-1, Fabry Perot Drawings [Isaac Newton Telescope], 1977 - 1985
Reference Code: GBR/0180/RGO 101/1/FE
Scope and Contents
A set of 297 drawings of the TAURUS-1 Fabry-Perot spectrograph and imager of the 2.5m Telescope (Isaac Newton Telescope or INT). The drawings were originally in three rolls labelled 'FE 2.5m Tel. Instruments Taurus I, Fabry Perot, Drgs BO, BP, BQ, BR, BT, BU, BX, BY and BZ (V and W size shts)'; '(X and Y size shts)'; and '(Z size shts)'. They include drawings of five sizes: V, W, X, Y and Z, V being the largest. The Isaac Newton Telescope was moved from RGO Herstmonceux to the...
1977 - 1985
Conditions Governing Access:
From the Management Group:
Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (
FI: 2.5m Tel. Instruments PF [Prime Focus] and AD Drawings [Isaac Newton Telescope], 1980 - 1991
Reference Code: GBR/0180/RGO 101/1/FI
Scope and Contents
A set of 183 drawings of the Prime Focus and 'AD' which was designed and built by the RGO for the 2.5m telescope (Isaac Newton Telescope or 'INT') at La Palma. The drawings were originally kept together in two rolls labelled 'FI 2.5m Tel. Instruments PF and AD Drg. Nos'. They include drawings of sizes V, W, X and Y, V being the largest. The Isaac Newton Telescope was moved from RGO Herstmonceux to the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, La Palma in the early 1980s. The Prime...
1980 - 1991
Conditions Governing Access:
From the Management Group:
Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (