Darwin Archive
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR
Digital Record
Primula sinensis / Long-styled / Short-styled (tables and notes)
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 79: 57r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Cross and self fertilisation': portfolios, 1840s-1876
'Cross and self fertilisation': experimental results, continued
'Cross and self fertilisation': experimental results, continued
Primula sinensis / Long-styled / Short-styled (tables and notes), 1867-01-01 - 1867-12-31
Primula sinensis / Long-styled / Short-styled (tables and notes), 1867-01-01 - 1867-12-31
Digital Record
Primula sinensis / Long-styled / Short-styled (tables and notes)
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 79: 57v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Cross and self fertilisation': portfolios, 1840s-1876
'Cross and self fertilisation': experimental results, continued
'Cross and self fertilisation': experimental results, continued
Primula sinensis / Long-styled / Short-styled (tables and notes), 1867-01-01 - 1867-12-31
Primula sinensis / Long-styled / Short-styled (tables and notes), 1867-01-01 - 1867-12-31
Digital Record
P[rimula] sinensis [measurements]
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 59.2: 91r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Insectivorous plants': portfolios, 1860 - 1876
Experimental treatments and observations, 1873-1875
Notes on carnivorous plants, 1874 - 1875
P[rimula] sinensis [measurements], 1875-02-01 - 1875-02-28
P[rimula] sinensis [measurements], 1875-02-01 - 1875-02-28
Digital Record
P[rimula] sinensis [measurements]
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 59.2: 91v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Insectivorous plants': portfolios, 1860 - 1876
Experimental treatments and observations, 1873-1875
Notes on carnivorous plants, 1874 - 1875
P[rimula] sinensis [measurements], 1875-02-01 - 1875-02-28
P[rimula] sinensis [measurements], 1875-02-01 - 1875-02-28
Digital Record
Primula veris L sp Pl 204 included both cowslip & Primrose
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 108: 81r
Digital Record
Primula veris [measurements and calculations]
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 78: 12r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Cross and self fertilisation': portfolios, 1840s-1876
'Cross and self fertilisation': experimental results, continued
Experimental results, continued: 'Original measurement of crossed & self fertilised plants'
Primula veris [measurements and calculations], 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30

Digital Record
Principle of divergence, transitional organs, instincts:
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 205.5
Digital Record
[print of woodcut, annotated] Make this a more distinct prolongation of the low part
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 60.2: 49r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Insectivorous plants': portfolios, 1860 - 1876
Experimental treatments and observations, 1862 - 1870s
Notes on experimental treatments and observations, 1870s
[print of woodcut, annotated] Make this a more distinct prolongation of the low part, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
[print of woodcut of feathers of Selasphorus platycerus, male and female]
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 84.2: 83r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: correspondence and material relating to birds
'Descent of man' first edition: material relating to birds, 1860s
Birds-55 Figure, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[print of woodcut of feathers of Selasphorus platycerus, male and female], 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
[print of woodcut of feathers of Selasphorus platycerus, male and female]
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 84.2: 84r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: correspondence and material relating to birds
'Descent of man' first edition: material relating to birds, 1860s
Birds-55 Figure, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[print of woodcut of feathers of Selasphorus platycerus, male and female], 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
printed drawing of item DAR 53.1: C68
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 53.1: C153r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Expression of emotions': photographs and portfolio I
'Expression of emotions': photographs
Materials for 'Expression', photographs from several sources, materials for engravings
printed drawing of item DAR 53.1: C68, 1870-01-01 - 1879-12-31
Digital Record
[printed; fragment]
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 48: B4v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Origin of Species': portfolios I
Materials for chapter 8: 'Transition of organs'
'Natural Selection' Portfolios, notes on 'Cell-making instinct of the hive-bee'
NS I Hive bee instincts-5 Note, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[printed; fragment], 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
printed illustration of terror / horror
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 53.1: C151r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Expression of emotions': photographs and portfolio I
'Expression of emotions': photographs
Materials for 'Expression', photographs from several sources, materials for engravings
printed illustration of terror / horror, 1870-01-01 - 1879-12-31
printed illustration of terror / horror, 1870-01-01 - 1879-12-31
Digital Record
printed illustration of terror / horror
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 53.1: C152r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Expression of emotions': photographs and portfolio I
'Expression of emotions': photographs
Materials for 'Expression', photographs from several sources, materials for engravings
printed illustration of terror / horror, 1870-01-01 - 1879-12-31
printed illustration of terror / horror, 1870-01-01 - 1879-12-31
Digital Record
(printed maps of facial muscles, annotated)
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 53.1: C147r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Expression of emotions': photographs and portfolio I
'Expression of emotions': photographs
Materials for 'Expression', photographs from several sources, materials for engravings
(printed maps of facial muscles, annotated), 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
(printed maps of facial muscles, annotated), 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
(printed maps of facial muscles, annotated)
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 53.1: C148r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Expression of emotions': photographs and portfolio I
'Expression of emotions': photographs
Materials for 'Expression', photographs from several sources, materials for engravings
(printed maps of facial muscles, annotated), 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
(printed maps of facial muscles, annotated), 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
(printed maps of facial muscles, annotated)
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 53.1: C149r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Expression of emotions': photographs and portfolio I
'Expression of emotions': photographs
Materials for 'Expression', photographs from several sources, materials for engravings
(printed maps of facial muscles, annotated), 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
(printed maps of facial muscles, annotated), 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
printed [membership list of what?]
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 60.1: 60v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Insectivorous plants': portfolios, 1860 - 1876
Experimental treatments and observations, 1862 - 1870s
Notes on experimental treatments and observations, 1870s
[calculations], 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
printed [membership list of what?], 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
[prints of woodcuts for 'Descent']
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 82: B44r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: letters and material relating to fish and reptiles, 1860 - 1870
Descent Portfolios 1st edn, Sexual Selection: Fish & Reptiles
Fish & Reptiles-36 Miscellaneous, 1830-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[prints of woodcuts for 'Descent'], 1830-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
[prints of woodcuts for 'Descent']
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 82: B45r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: letters and material relating to fish and reptiles, 1860 - 1870
Descent Portfolios 1st edn, Sexual Selection: Fish & Reptiles
Fish & Reptiles-36 Miscellaneous, 1830-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[prints of woodcuts for 'Descent'], 1830-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
[prints of woodcuts for 'Descent']
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 82: B46r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: letters and material relating to fish and reptiles, 1860 - 1870
Descent Portfolios 1st edn, Sexual Selection: Fish & Reptiles
Fish & Reptiles-36 Miscellaneous, 1830-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[prints of woodcuts for 'Descent'], 1830-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
[prints of woodcuts for 'Descent']
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 82: B47r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: letters and material relating to fish and reptiles, 1860 - 1870
Descent Portfolios 1st edn, Sexual Selection: Fish & Reptiles
Fish & Reptiles-36 Miscellaneous, 1830-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[prints of woodcuts for 'Descent'], 1830-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
[prints of woodcuts for 'Descent']
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 82: B48r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: letters and material relating to fish and reptiles, 1860 - 1870
Descent Portfolios 1st edn, Sexual Selection: Fish & Reptiles
Fish & Reptiles-36 Miscellaneous, 1830-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[prints of woodcuts for 'Descent'], 1830-01-01 - 1882-04-30