verso of 'Expression' 1st edn: 176-end
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 17.1: A15v
External Documents
- Darwin Archive | 'Expressions of emotion', 'Climbing plants' and 'Cross and self fertilisation': draft chapters and draft copies for publication, 1864 - 1876 | 'Expressions of emotion': draft of chapters 2 and 6, and 'Climbing plants': draft for publication as a Linnean Society paper, 1864 - 1872 | Expression of emotions Draft (DAR 17.1A), 1872-01-17 - 1872-08-22 | verso of 'Expression' 1st edn: 176-end, 1871-01-01 - 1882-04-30
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