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Four kings of Uganda outside Namirembe Cathedral: the Omukama of Bunyoro [Duhaga II], the Kabaka of Buganda [Daudi Chwa II], the Omugabe of Ankole [Kahaya II] and the Omukama of Toro [Kyebambe III], 1919, GBR/0115/RCS/CMS 26/16. Cambridge University Library.

Four kings of Uganda outside Namirembe Cathedral: the Omukama of Bunyoro [Duhaga II], the Kabaka of Buganda [Daudi Chwa II], the Omugabe of Ankole [Kahaya II] and the Omukama of Toro [Kyebambe III], 1919, GBR/0115/RCS/CMS 26/16. Cambridge University Library. Accessed July 05, 2024.

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